Paul1286155: I have been in a couple CC's now and they seem to be all the same.
Perhaps a lot of CC's are the similar but not all.
I have only been in 3 since I joined although I have left my CC when I took a break from the game.
First club was large (250) and I, as were most members, was just a number.
2nd was small (13) and we played pretty much daily together - it was great but then a couple of players stopped playing and it was time to move on.
A friend suggest I join my current CC, (we try to limit membership to around 50) and I have never even considered another club - this is my last CC.......unless the miserable sandbagging owner boots me :)
I can honestly say, if I am green, if other CC members are on, I will always get an invite, and I will reciprocate to any member, regardless of skill level (bear in mind, lowest is Legend).
I can assure you, every game is fun, regardless of outcome and every member I have played with (probably the majority) are all really good people - people I could sit down in real life and chat to like we have known each other for years - that is the difference between many of the clubs IMO