Hi guys, are 9 holes a full rank rounds, or is it 18 holes to consider a full one? thanks
9 counts - Sadly even red tee kiddies / chits and giggles stuff the same as regards averages and stats....
Obv some courses not in the mix same as ever.
+1, and only strokeplay knows ranked rounds.
Scores of 9 hole strokeplay rounds are doubled for average purposes.
Ok got it. I'm into my 5th ranked rounds for legend tier. I hope I'm not rushing, going into my 5th month of active playing.
L89 shows enough activity to go for Legend.
Have fun!
alosso: L89 shows enough activity to go for Legend. Have fun!
Yeah I thought I give it a go.
I sent you a friend invites. Hope you accept it, so I can learn a thing or two.
Sorry - I rather talk here, where there's a more to learn from a lot of knowing users.
Just for the record....most of my rounds are rank......but occasionally I have a good one :)
Yep, most of my rounds are rank!
When trying to tier up, Best of 3s, 5s and course builder courses aren't counted towards the number of ranked rounds needed. Legend tier is your lowest 50 rounds at 61 avg since you became Tour Master....unless you are winning $$ in WGT tournaments.