Hope the brews are nice and cold fellas, not the box I'm talking about but valiant efforts anyways. I may have not been very clear here, the box that keeps popping up when I left click to swing/hit the ball.......is the box that comes up when you right click to submit a game bug, or zoom in & out, etc.
These are the options (lines) going down the choices in the box:
SITESHELL VERSION V1.124.06_release
GAMESHELL VERSION V1.148.04;release
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I am not at all touching the right click in the game client and this keeps popping up on almost every drive or approach but not on putts, three different mice tried, everything clean, empty, updated. The issue has survived several Flash version updates.
Does not happen on putts but I try to pull the meter back as little as possible there, rarely go past 30% or so. It's happening on full or almost full power shots. I can live with it but it's annoying, on a drive for instance, it pops up so instantly when I click the ding, that I cannot tell if I actually hit the ding, it blocks that area when it pops up, if I click real fast for it to go away I sometimes see the last remnants of the circular motion thingy that you get when you do hit the ding.
Really do appreciate everyone's efforts here. Thank s for that!