Firstly, thanks for a reply, that was unexpected, so thank you.
But after reading your reply, it raises question and requires corrections.
WGTElectro: If a player has built up a collection gathering dust in their inventory, they are not benefiting their CC as much as they could be.
Blatantly wrong (as Gary pointed out), so it is disappointing that the lack of on-boarding and training at WGT exists.....trainer wheels at best.
Passes do not you only "give" them away 12 hours after the pass was used. If you buy (or gift) multiple passes,,,they will not be issued one from WGT until they are used up......seriously you would have to have rocks in your head to do so.
WGTElectro: This does not negate the need for it to appear before a round starts to remind the player that they can help their CC with the upcoming round.
Perhaps you can advise how this helps the CC? I certainly see no benefits for most CC' so many implementations, the CC XP system was probably probably the result of asking preschool children.....if not... Houston, we have a problem.
To show the 2 scenarios...I screen shot them below....
The first one is when I have a issues with that...
The second one may as well say, "would you like to waste 37 credits".....I do not want to see this visual pollution - I want the option to disable this pop up.