Oh My!
What with innovation being second cousin once removed to invention, and now your thesis concerning a three way split, I felt honour bound to run pre-cursor tests on the matter of Juicy fruit, the dog, meter and I.
Whilst I would agree to small success with the dog, there remains a fundamental flaw in that the canine Psyche does not allow for mastication without fulfilment, by which I mean one will be rewarded with the task of extrication and all its attendant risk, not to say discomfort. One by-product of the tests was a certain amount of fruitly froth developed I believe, from intestinal ferment, and distributed with a degree of rabid head shaking, brought on in my estimation, by an amount of puzzled concern. Perhaps we should retire gracefully the notion that a dog might be an advantage were it to learn to chew without swallowing.
I am indebted to your observational comment which reveals the current whereabouts of the worthy Dr C H E Anderson-Thompson. He still owes me nine matchsticks, a bottle top and a library card following a late night card game as guests of the Foster- Holmes at their Principality of Sealand, where large scale serious gambling is not only allowed, but encouraged with vigour. Whilst he did in fact write out an IOU, I was somewhat perturbed to find later that he had not in fact included his full name, but merely his initials.
The tests go on.
I note your mention of men putting on the moon, but having seen the footage made at the time, I would have to say I rather thought the club was more of a mid range wedge, perhaps a Mashie Niblick 5. Interesting to think that even then, there were earthly meter problems that drove the USA to invest so much in a solution.
Lizzie xx