Once this operation has been achieved, you must now calm the pooch until such times as you are ready to take your shot, at which time, you draw his attention to the trail of dog treats you cunningly laid earlier. He should then set about grazing his way throught the trail of treats. It might take some trial and error to get the spacing of treats just-so, but well worth it in my opinion.
What a brilliant idea. Having two dogs, one at 14 kilos and one at 11 Kilos, i could, of course, swop them depending on whether i'm using my G10's or Raptures to keep a consistent meter speed.
My only concern is you haven't factored in the co-efficient of friction (as the dog is pulled back) depending on whether they're on a carpet, tiled floor, wooden desk etc, etc.
I found this which may help you in your experiments:
Let's say, for convenience, that we're on a planet where g = 1 m/s^2,
With a high-friction mass of m = 1 kg that we are pulling downward (assisting
gravity) with just the right force to compensate for friction and
cause it not to accelerate at all. And let's say that the force we
have to apply is
(5 - sqrt(3))/2 N ~= 1.64 Newtons.
The force due to gravity is mg sin(theta), or 1*1*sqrt(3)/2. So this
force, combined with the one we are providing, yields a total downward
force of 5/2.
Since the object doesn't accelerate, friction must be equal and
opposite to the downward force:
(mu)*m*g*cos(theta) = 5/2
(mu)*1*1*1/2 = 5/2
mu = 5
This can be thought of as a rough definition of mu_(kinetic)
It is the value that makes the friction equation balance with the
amount of force required to prevent frictional deceleration.