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Join a Country Club pop-up

Fri, Sep 1 2017 1:30 AM (26 replies)
  • ScottHope
    10,672 Posts
    Sun, Aug 20 2017 5:29 AM

    Thanks Alosso. I'l have a look, but I'm not sure if there will be anything as I'm not a CC member.  : )

    @pdb1. There reason my image doesn't shown in your post is because of the ~original at the end of the URL. Make your post without that ~original. Then add it to the HTML after posting.

    I can see two files with the word 'award' in, but it doesn't mean to say they have anything to to with the pop up you referred to. You can try blocking the files to see what happens.

    pdb1, I wasn't having a go at any CC or member thereof, it was WGT in general that I was picking on for the red tee thing. No offence intended.

  • ScottHope
    10,672 Posts
    Sun, Aug 20 2017 6:24 AM

    Okay bud, no need to apologize, all good.  : )

    To get Photobucket images to appear these days is convoluted. If you don't have to use them, I wouldn't bother.

    Something about PB amused me recently. The last time I logged in to my PB account ( a few days ago) there was a link in the top banner to take a survey about PB. I can only laugh about the responses I think they will get to the last question in the survey, which is,

    "How likely it is that you would recommend PB to a friend or colleague?".

    They sure have got big cahoonas to ask that one.  : ))

  • ScottHope
    10,672 Posts
    Wed, Aug 30 2017 2:27 AM

    Because of the recent downtime, the file path has changed slightly to block the 'Join a Country Club Today' pop-up.

    Here's the new one...

    ⇩ EDIT : Cheers Zio. : ) ⇩

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Wed, Aug 30 2017 8:53 AM

    Thanks again Scott ... applied and tested. :-)

  • ScottHope
    10,672 Posts
    Fri, Sep 1 2017 1:30 AM

    One final (I hope) tweak to this so that we don't have to change the file path every time WGT has a downtime, and that is to replace the version number with a wildcard [*], so it will work with whatever characters are in that position in the file path....*/uiassets/uix/cc/cc_interaction_configuration.json

    Set it and forget it. : )