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Fri, Sep 1 2017 4:50 PM (31 replies)
    383 Posts
    Mon, Aug 28 2017 7:32 AM

    I would like to know how someone get's to the Legend Tier in 2 day's on this game. Can anyone explain that one.

  • hpurey
    11,507 Posts
    Mon, Aug 28 2017 7:40 AM

    crossed over from facebook maybe?

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Mon, Aug 28 2017 8:06 AM


    I would like to know how someone get's to the Legend Tier in 2 day's on this game. Can anyone explain that one.

    Are you serious ? You`ve got nothing better to do than stalk players profiles ? If you knew how to pay attention then you would know that the player in question is a L93 Legend . No one can make L93 in 2 days .Also if you had paid attemtion you would have noticed they have a full set of Nike clubs . You do know that those are no longer in the game dont you ?

    Had you looked at their score history you also would have seen a history thats longer than 2 days . Bottom line you posted a rude comment on that players wall for no reason . Also you are an idiot . Instead of trying to fault find and being a busy body why not try minding your business .The account was started in June so how do you get 2 days ?

    Oh and Sherlock had you also looked at their stats you also would have seen 140 ranked rounds played since they crossed over from Facebook .When ever an account crosses over from Facebook all of their information doesnt . Their name level and tier are all thats transferred .The profile will also only show the new start date but all other stats will reset like a new account . Just so you know so , before you post on a persons wall accusing them of cheating or being a multi accounter ,Get your facts straight and stop being a moron .


  • HackWilson1930
    1,437 Posts
    Mon, Aug 28 2017 8:45 AM

    Lonnie, so glad that you stepped in! The comment has been erased for his wall. It is good to know that there are people like you here to stand up to bullies and ignorance.

    383 Posts
    Mon, Aug 28 2017 10:38 AM

    Within 2 days this person was a legend if you look on when they joined. He also sent me a message telling me how it became about.Was just wondering how a player could become that high up in tier so fast.Wrong of me to say he was a cheater but you can see how his stats can become fodder for a lot of speculation.       Oh and i wasn't stalking him,just saw his user name and know he's a Cuse fan.

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Mon, Aug 28 2017 10:54 AM


    Within 2 days this person was a legend if you look on when they joined. He also sent me a message telling me how it became about.Was just wondering how a player could become that high up in tier so fast.Wrong of me to say he was a cheater but you can see how his stats can become fodder for a lot of speculation.       Oh and i wasn't stalking him,just saw his user name and know he's a Cuse fan.

    No they were`nt thats absolute garbage . If you look in their profile activity last page you will see that they joined WGT June 17 2017 . There is nothing in their profile that either says or shows that they went from Hack to Legend in 2 days . Also their feed back concerning you is they think you are a butt head and have no reason to have contact with you . So stop spreading false rumors about players you dont know anything about .

    Everything that you have posted about them is false and there is nothing in their stats that would question their integrity as a player . Nothing that you have stated about this player is either true or bears any merit on your part . You need to leave them alone as they have done nothing wrong .


  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Mon, Aug 28 2017 11:14 AM

    No they were`nt thats absolute garbage . If you look in their profile activity last page you will see that they joined WGT June 17 2017 . There is nothing in their profile that either says or shows that they went from Hack to Legend in 2 days .

    He's not saying they are cheating, not now anyway, just asking how this happens.  Blindly saying it didn't isn't helping.

    It was clearly done by wgt, I think that they move from facebook is right.

    June 18, 2017
    •  moved up to the Legend tier.
    •  moved up to the Tour Master tier.
    •  moved up to the Master tier.
    • moved up to the Tour Pro tier.
    • moved up to the Pro tier
    •  moved up to the Amateur tier
  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Mon, Aug 28 2017 1:00 PM


    No they were`nt thats absolute garbage . If you look in their profile activity last page you will see that they joined WGT June 17 2017 . There is nothing in their profile that either says or shows that they went from Hack to Legend in 2 days .

    He's not saying they are cheating, not now anyway, just asking how this happens.  Blindly saying it didn't isn't helping.

    It was clearly done by wgt, I think that they move from facebook is right.

    June 18, 2017
    •  moved up to the Legend tier.
    •  moved up to the Tour Master tier.
    •  moved up to the Master tier.
    • moved up to the Tour Pro tier.
    • moved up to the Pro tier
    •  moved up to the Amateur tier

    Well common sense would tell you that it was done by WGT . Players dont have the ability to alter the information in their profile . As for the cheating they had posted those comments on the players wall and then either they or the player removed them .


  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Mon, Aug 28 2017 3:21 PM

    Well common sense would tell you that it was done by WGT . Players dont have the ability to alter the information in their profile .

    That was why I said "it was clearly done by wgt" but thanks anyway.

    In his second post he said "wrong of me to say he was a cheater" and that was the post you were responding to with the above.  Also in that he said he wondered how someone could tier up so quickly, I was trying to answer that.

    I was also pointing out that it was by no means "absolute garbage" that he tiered up to Legend in two days and there was plenty in the profile to show this.  Ironic as he was berated for "not paying attention" on other things in the profile.

    He was wrong to suggest there was cheating, though hardly deserving of being  called "idiot" and "moron".   I noticed two wall posts when you  pointed me to his profile and I agree with him that the other is an obvious multi, had he pointed that out here would you be calling him names?

    If people are looking at profiles and finding cheats then they are doing honest players a favour, I only agree that they need to be sure of their "facts" before they throw accusations around. 


    383 Posts
    Tue, Aug 29 2017 8:19 AM

    Thank you for your post. Lonnie just sit's and waits for people to post then jumps on them. I was just asking a question and got reamed by this a.s.s.  Again thank you for your post.