Thank you for your post. Lonnie just sit's and waits for people to post then jumps on them. I was just asking a question and got reamed by this a.s.s. Again thank you for your post.
No, he most certainly does NOT! He is one of a grand bunch that helps people, not disrespect them. You're just to jaundice, to notice your own misgivings. Stalking people is illegal in internet forums now.
You are self profiling, by your posts, all in negative, & combative tenor, about everyone else, being something they are not, in your own little mind. Woops, that slipped out, sorry.
TommyBoy runs around stirring up sheeee-it, as if it were ice cream, he'd been making.
When he gets some on him, he cries. "NOT MY FAULT"!
He has posted foulness on many a profile, mine included. Must have had some sort of conscience attack, he took it off my wall. I leave the rancid behavior right where they put it.
No time for this type. The axiom "Even bad press, is good press", is acknowledgement of oneself, fits him, like Cinderella's slipper.
Odiferous stench, Dr. Scholl would be proud of...
I try to put a good spin on things gone south, ^^^ however, the only spin I can see with this troglodyte, is in a whirlpool vortex, in the Bermuda triangle.
He'll be in good company, with all the other whack jobs, that question "warped reality".
You probably didn't notice, lonnie properly spelling "ass", that you called him. Now he actually helped you there, by showing you the sensors will allow the word "ass".
See how helpful he is? Ass, ass, ass, ass... just rolls off the tongue, when you're around.
You should thank him for that, he saved you 2 keystrokes.