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Hookers Slicers join lvle 4 climbing fast

rated by 0 users
Tue, Sep 5 2017 4:16 AM (9 replies)
  • pairadice
    26 Posts
    Sat, Sep 2 2017 11:40 PM

    all levels and tiers welcome.Instant recruiting.

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Sun, Sep 3 2017 8:22 AM

    Excuse me:

    Which benefit of "climbing the levels" should anybody imagine as a motivation to join?

  • pairadice
    26 Posts
    Sun, Sep 3 2017 1:54 PM

    That means members are playing pretty much every day.unlike some clubs.


  • gonfission
    2,259 Posts
    Sun, Sep 3 2017 4:13 PM

    It doesn't cost 2 dollars to "join", does it?

  • pairadice
    26 Posts
    Sun, Sep 3 2017 5:07 PM

    why would It? I play to see what I can contribute to my team.not to see what I can get.

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Mon, Sep 4 2017 7:52 AM

    That means members are playing pretty much every day

    That's not exactly a CC benefit for it's members - ev1 can get this without a CC.

    Again: What's the benefits for members if the CC rises in XPs and levels?

  • pairadice
    26 Posts
    Mon, Sep 4 2017 11:01 AM

    Some players want to be part of an active team and some do not.some people will not join a team If they don't get paid somehow for their efforts and some will for the sport of the game.I myself would rather join a team at entry level and help It grow.Believe It or not, some people join leagues like softball, soccer, football, baseball, and GOLF  for the love and sport of the competition.After all, If I had your attitude of the purposes of a cc I  would question what the benefits off cc clashes are If my team can not place In the top 10 thus achieving nothing due to lack of effort.

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Tue, Sep 5 2017 1:00 AM

    I don't show any attitude, I just asked a question concerning your anouncement where you praise the benefits of level climbing. What are they, for the members?

    Since you refuse to answer, I suppose that you don't have any.

    My question didn't touch the social aspects of club membership - which I appreciate - nor the efforts of members.

    Please note that I have been a CC owner since 2012, without and with CC levels, and IMHO it was better without them. Today, the most important stage in the rise of a CC is level 4 (for Putt and Shot Pals) which you have obtained already. What follows is not worth a special effort or mentioning for me. It will come around, almost by itself. This is how we rose to L13.

    Last but not least, I have doubted and opposed WGT's CC clashes multiple times & vehemently. To me, it's but an auction of worthless items, and placing #10, #1, #1000 bears no difference to me!

    The highest bid would at least permit some bragging rights, but there's not even a lasting charts of that. So what?

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Tue, Sep 5 2017 3:03 AM

    After all, If I had your attitude of the purposes of a cc I  would question what the benefits off cc clashes are If my team can not place In the top 10 thus achieving nothing due to lack of effort.

    It's a competition without the competition.  

    People that believe skill should at least play some key role in a competition do criticise the "clashes" for deleting that aspect and also for making it an auction if you want to "win".  Thus you do not see them in that.  If the clash floats your boat though, great..

    EDIT: Good luck with the new club, just that kudos for that event is not going to be as forthcoming as you might think.  It's Ebay without the bargains, quite the opposite.

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Tue, Sep 5 2017 4:16 AM

    It's Ebay without the bargains, quite the opposite.


    ...and each bidder pays for it, no matter how successful!