JerryK74: maybe they are telling the truth this time :)
You might be right on that one Jerry.
After all....there's a first time for everything, right? lol
And Snaike, while I normally agree with your posts, and usually get a good laugh out of your responses to the cranially-challenged.....if you really believe that the US government tells its citizens the truth on a consistent basis, then I wish you the best of luck. (and I'm being sincere on that....there's no sarcasm or humour intended)
I'm certainly not a conspiracy theorist.....but I AM skeptical. I don't simply accept things....I ask questions and poke about a bit, so that I can formulate my own educated opinions on what the truth may or may not be (believe none of what you hear, and only half of what you
The problem with this one is that as a US resident, you almost have to accept the "official" version. Let's face it....the alternative is pretty damned scary, right?
And for the record, I'm not saying the US government is any less honest with its citizens than any other country's government is with theirs....but if you believe they're giving you "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth", then I think you've got blinders on.