Jerm65:And for the record, I'm not saying the US government is any less honest with its citizens than any other country's government is with theirs....but if you believe they're giving you "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth", then I think you've got blinders on.
The issue of this post is NOT whether the US Gov't gives the US population ALL of the truth ALL of the time... they don't. We're all adults and we understand that.
The first and specific issue is with the statement made above by JerryK (I'll quote it again, if you wish) that the US has reported Bin Laden dead 9 times before. That author has been challenged to provide his source and references for his claims of "9 times".
I am betting that he can't.
The ancillary issues are with the general conspiracy theories of our times... (See Nicholas and JerryK's '9/11" references).. This is a belief that has been disproved by too many outside sources yet still has legs due to the 'sexiness' of the event.
There is a difference between "Skeptical" and "Tin-foil Hat Conspiracy Theorist".. the former is healthy and the latter, laughable.
Education. It's a wonderful thing if you can get it.