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Back to school 1848

Wed, Sep 6 2017 3:12 PM (24 replies)
  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Tue, Sep 5 2017 6:20 AM

    Hey Joe, (not a song plug yet),

    I've heard other divers comment about the flag having the same effect as flashing lights on the side of the road.  So sad.  I for one have always believed that you should have to pass a test and be licensed to operate any boar or watercraft.  Just looking at any body of water on a holiday gives plenty of reason.  As comedian Ron White says "You can't fix stupid".

    I agree that there was lots of gunfire in our history in and near those times.  I feel the PC crowd are marching over a cliff blindfolded with the efforts to do away with, change or just pretend that things didn't happen.  

    George Santayana was correct.  Yet we don't see the Nisei marching to protest that Manzanar be torn down.  I feel it serves a great purpose as a National Historic site to remind us of what we were once capable of doing to our own citizens.  Just food for thought.

    I admit I didn't read all of the pages you posted from the book.  I scrolled down and noticed the question you posed.  I got answers of 6.489 miles using 1142 FPS, and 5.966 miles using 1050 FPS.  With an ambient air temp of around 70 degrees F that would be correct.

    For the musical plug now, can anyone name a main-stream band beside The Leaves and Jimi Hendrix Experience that recorded Hey Joe, or Hey Joe where you goin' as it was also known?

  • garyk49
    2,329 Posts
    Tue, Sep 5 2017 6:47 AM


    Hey Joe, (not a song plug yet),


    For the musical plug now, can anyone name a main-stream band beside The Leaves and Jimi Hendrix Experience that recorded Hey Joe, or Hey Joe where you goin' as it was also known?



    Others have played it, ZZ Top for one.  But to actually record it for an album.  Surfaris, Byrds, Cher, Wilson Pickett.

    Cher and Wilson Pickett are the 2 that made it to the pop chart.

  • garyk49
    2,329 Posts
    Tue, Sep 5 2017 6:56 AM



    On the first page, there is some misinformation. I am surprised that no one has picked it up yet. I will leave it unanswered to see if someone realizes how things have accelerated in the world of substance, from then to now.

    I can search and copy and paste real good.  Having this knowledge not so much, but enough to question the answer, and look it up.  It just didn't sound right.

    First of all, Matter is anything that has mass (when at rest) and takes up space. Matter as we know it has many different states. There are numerous states of matter, but the most common three are solids, liquids, and gases. More exotic and rare forms of matter include plasma, super fluids, super solids, ect.

    But I think what you really wanted to know were different types of matter, not different states. As far as we know, there are only two other types of matter besides normal matter. These two types are Antimatter and Dark Matter. 

    If this is what you are referring to on page one.  Somewhere else plasma is included and it says there are 4 states.  This quote says 3 but then list plasma as an additional.



  • craigswan
    31,549 Posts
    Tue, Sep 5 2017 7:37 AM

    Apollo 11 used up 1 gallon of fuel every 7 seconds .


    Buzz aldrin didn't sell one car for the first 6 month's after he returned to his day job .

  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Tue, Sep 5 2017 10:27 AM

    Well done Gary.  Obscurely, Deep Purple released it on their first album "Shades of Deep Purple" in 1968.

  • blindpugh
    433 Posts
    Tue, Sep 5 2017 4:01 PM

    Does it really matter ?



  • gonfission
    2,241 Posts
    Tue, Sep 5 2017 4:03 PM

    But I think what you really wanted to know were different types of matter, not different states.

    This is how education gets hokey, as in pokey.

    Although it asked for types, today, it is states.

    Gary picked up on the misnomer, and covered all his bases with good copy & paste techniques :-)

    Anti matter & dark matter are a bone of contention with me. Until one of these grant wizards can show me a bottle of either, I'm not buying it.

    Black holes consume everything, SUPOSEDLY.

    Stars are hydrogen, hydrogen is the most plentiful substance in the universe. Nebulas full of it, creating new baby stars.

    Hydrogen goes into a black hole, hydrogen comes out the other end, creating the substance, expanding the galaxies, not dark matter...

    That's my story, & I'm sticking to it

    Lil Kimmy knows sumptin bout hydrogen, he just collapsed a mountain. Bone head.



  • blindpugh
    433 Posts
    Tue, Sep 5 2017 4:08 PM


    Apollo 11 used up 1 gallon of fuel every 7 seconds .


    Buzz aldrin didn't sell one car for the first 6 month's after he returned to his day job .

    Sounds like my  old Skoda 


  • gonfission
    2,241 Posts
    Tue, Sep 5 2017 4:35 PM

    George Santayana was correct.

    The king of aphorisms in his time. People will repeat the past, and are still doing so, by not learning from it. World wide.

    Yet we don't see the Nisei

    I'm sure that's on the disavow list as well by ours, not theirs, Jeff

    They were instilled with a strong foundation of self pride. Face, if you will. They protest our presence in Okinawa, everyday. When a service man, or woman, drives up to the gate, they move away efficiently, wave & smile as people drive out.

    They don't dislike us as people, just the occupation of their soil. I've never heard of a peaceful protest in this country yet.

    Hey Joe where you goin'

    If the shoe fits...

    Some people smoke cigars for enjoyment. I enjoy the smell of burnt powder.

  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Tue, Sep 5 2017 6:41 PM


    Does it really matter ?



    Nope.  Just a sideshow.  Nothing to see hear, sonny.  Please just move along.