lonniescott711: In all my times of dealing with C/S I have always found them to be pretty much on point and quick to respond
I have to agree with generally being quick to respond (and I do not have the Nation membership.....so any correspondence would be treated as non-priority lol).....on point, sometimes, but sometimes computer generated from key words and the replies have been left field lol.
To the OP. CS has been known to reinstate the CDB......something fairly new, but you are level 114......with G20;s and R11's (and NOTHING wrong with those clubs ....apart from a hybrid....what are you thinking???? lol) so you are not chasing new equipment, so I do not really see the problem.
I am day 1, and seldom get to double figures.....I am not a slave to the game, I play when I feel like it, not because the game dictates to my subconscious that if I don't play, I will miss out on something meaningless. Just saying.....