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Returning player

Thu, Sep 14 2017 4:33 PM (13 replies)
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  • Vrcic0
    4 Posts
    Sun, Sep 10 2017 11:16 AM

    Hi all, hope this is the right place to post this.

    I took a long break from WGT and decided to come back as I have more spare time now.

    I am a friendly returning old player stuck with a Hack rating, currently not being trusted in matchups with higher ranks which I can understand.

    If there is anyone needing a good funny player to join games then please send me an invite :)

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Sun, Sep 10 2017 7:25 PM

    Stop wasting your money on buying expensive balls . With starter clubs you are wasting your money as you wont benefit from using those balls . What happened to your old account ? If you can remember the accounts name then you can reset your pass word . Bottom of the page "Contact " click on that and let C/S know that you have returned but have forgotten your pass word . Give them your profile name on the account and email used for that account .

    Once you supply the proper information they will give you a password to access the account and then just reset the pass word and there you go . Welcome back by the way and hope you get your old account back .

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, Sep 11 2017 2:43 AM

    Stop wasting your money on buying expensive balls

    No evidence he did buy any, and with no friends......hmm

    What happened to your old account ?

    Possibly still in use? And maybe invited a friend?

    Sorry OP, I can see why players do not trust you. It took me ages to break par or even get close to it when I first started.

    Maybe you have genuinely forgotten your previous account, but certainly reasons to be skeptical. 


  • Vrcic0
    4 Posts
    Mon, Sep 11 2017 11:25 AM

    I didnt buy any stuff yet it was all free from tutorial, and no I didnt remember my account we are talking back when wgt first started guys that was ages ago.

    I have moved emails since then, but quite honestly why all the distrusting? Can a person not come to the forums and interact with others without being accused of something or judged for something?

    I came onto the forums to find some fellow people to play with to have fun and become my rank again, next time I just wont bother..maybe you should be nicer to new people.

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Mon, Sep 11 2017 6:28 PM


    I didnt buy any stuff yet it was all free from tutorial, and no I didnt remember my account we are talking back when wgt first started guys that was ages ago.

    I have moved emails since then, but quite honestly why all the distrusting? Can a person not come to the forums and interact with others without being accused of something or judged for something?

    I came onto the forums to find some fellow people to play with to have fun and become my rank again, next time I just wont bother..maybe you should be nicer to new people.

    The game has really changed since you were away . There are thousands of players who have abused the game by using multiple accounts . They cheat their way through the tournaments and run all kinds of scams as well .

    They use fake profiles and pretend to be everything from a female player to some one new just joining the game . Thus those of us who have endured this garbage through the years are very wary of new players or returning players . Thats just the way it is and my post in response to you was to help you not accuse you .

    But what Alanti was saying will be the reasons why players may avoid you like the plague . They will look at your profile and the activity as well as your stats and see how they stack up . If they dont like what they see then they wont play you . So dont be surprised if you find the game lonely for awhile .

    So sorry if you feel offended by whatever it is that I posted . It was not my intention to disrespect you in any way . On behalf of my friend Alanti I will also say the same . He`s a great guy and disrespecting you was not their intent either .

    Welcome back to the game and to the forums as well .Hope you enjoy your return to the game and find the fun that you are looking for .


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, Sep 11 2017 11:27 PM

    As Lonnie posted, the intention was not to offend or disrespect you, hence why I said there are reasons for players to be skeptical.

    This is based on the fact you joined on the 5th Sept, and by the 9th you had shot a par round on St Andrews, and a slightly over par on Erin Hills( both on the 9th Sept).

    All before you hit level 5 on the 10th, which indicates little or no practice before (as the rise through the lower levels is very rapid as I recall).

    This will set off the warning bells for most players. As Lonnie says, multi-accounters are a dime a dozen

    I remember when I started, I struggled to get anywhere near par....for ages. The game has changed, and the game may have only been CTTH when you joined/played, which makes your scoring very impressive without prior knowledge.

    You may well be genuine, and if so, I wish you well, but you mentioned the trust factor.....all I did was explain why.

  • Vrcic0
    4 Posts
    Tue, Sep 12 2017 9:23 AM

    I have endured the same things that you have claimed to have seen over and over again, and to a point I can understand it but if I judged every person like that it would make me look like quite an a hole, not saying that about both of you and maybe my reaction was a little out of line so for that I will apologise.

    I admit I have experience I wont say what rank I was but I was high enough to know some mechanics of the game, once I am good at a game it stays with me. I was rusty at first I did a couple of attempts at a tourny before doing that st andrews game but I am a firm believer that to get better is achieved by playing alongside people who are good or at least of a higher rank, hell as long as I am playing with others that love golf like I do then its all good.

    I play the game for fun and to compete with others, I dont search for bugs or scams I can abuse to gain an advantage, people like that are very sad individuals as far as I am concerned, I just hope that in time you will see I am genuine and not one of these people you think I could be.

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Tue, Sep 12 2017 3:28 PM


    I have endured the same things that you have claimed to have seen over and over again, and to a point I can understand it but if I judged every person like that it would make me look like quite an a hole, not saying that about both of you and maybe my reaction was a little out of line so for that I will apologise.

    I admit I have experience I wont say what rank I was but I was high enough to know some mechanics of the game, once I am good at a game it stays with me. I was rusty at first I did a couple of attempts at a tourny before doing that st andrews game but I am a firm believer that to get better is achieved by playing alongside people who are good or at least of a higher rank, hell as long as I am playing with others that love golf like I do then its all good.

    I play the game for fun and to compete with others, I dont search for bugs or scams I can abuse to gain an advantage, people like that are very sad individuals as far as I am concerned, I just hope that in time you will see I am genuine and not one of these people you think I could be.

    Well if my telling you how to recover your old account offended you or to stop wasting your credits on expensive balls , then you must be very sensitive . Considering the fact that you have only been back for 5 days now , how could you have endured anything that we have seen ? Why wont you say what your previous tier was would it be telling too much ? You dont have to search for bugs or scams , they show up in the forums just like you did . I dont know why they like to bring attention to themselves but they do .

    So anyway as explained the reasons why so called returning players with new profiles are slightly trusted . It doesnt make me an a hole because I`m cautious , none what so ever . I dont accept people in the real wolrd at face value , so why should I here ?

    When you can get the better clubs maybe we will play a few rounds . With the clubs you have you wont reach the fairways playing from the tips and I dont play the baby tees .


  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Wed, Sep 13 2017 7:26 AM


    This is based on the fact you joined on the 5th Sept, and by the 9th you had shot a par round on St Andrews, and a slightly over par on Erin Hills( both on the 9th Sept).

    All before you hit level 5 on the 10th, which indicates little or no practice before

    Sumpin a little fishy emoticon ,,,,around here.


  • Vrcic0
    4 Posts
    Wed, Sep 13 2017 10:31 AM

    And I dont have much to do with people whos head is shoved up his egotistical backside, I dont say my rank because anyone can claim they was legend, claming it and being it are two very different things.

    But you have proved one thing, my original prognosis of you was right, you just show what an idiot you are with how you have spoken to a player who wants to play this game, god help the amount of new players this game could get if you wasnt such a jackass to them.

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