I am going to move beyond your history, which I could care less about, and move to some real world suggestions to help you.
You have joined a large country club with several hundred active members yet your friend's list is made up of one person from another club. There are 5 pros and 1 amateur in your club, but they have not played in several months. Did you really join a club with so few players near your tier thinking that those higher ranking players would come running to you? Perhaps a small club made up of lower tiered players, such as yourself, would have been a better fit. I know that when new members arrive at my club, they are given multiple friend invitations. Has this happened for you? If not, it is a bad fit. When you were friends with ladyfromdallas, why didn't you join her club that had a far better mix of tiers?
Next, I see that you have no AS or match play record. It is possible to get random pairings for both, especially if you specify that you will play amateurs. While I do some random group play, I specify legend and above so that lower tiers don't have to play on 13 greens which I bring with me to every game. I do this in fairness to them, rather than thinking I cannot rub shoulders with the lower masses. Mostly I do group play from my friends list. You NEED more friends to play with!
When you play multi-player games,you often can make new friends because you played well or were a fun companion. You need to step up the attempts to find like minded players intent on enjoying the game rather than visiting and interacting with a number of forum haunts like me. If you are interested in my friendship, send a request and I will consider it and perhaps suggest a round. I am always up for a round with friendly, easy going individuals.