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Find a Date on Zoosk?

rated by 0 users
Sat, Jun 25 2011 3:31 PM (7 replies)
  • SeniorLandman
    19 Posts
    Mon, May 30 2011 12:11 PM

    Find a Date on Zoosk?

    Come on folks, I'm a straight Arkansas cattle farmer and you post pictures of 8 dudes?  The girls were acceptable.  The feminine looking dudes don't work for me.  Get it off my home page or I WILL quit this game.

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Mon, May 30 2011 1:39 PM

    You do know, SeniorLandman, that WGT is based in San Francisco, right?

    Some things are more accepted around these parts than in, say, rural Arkansas. 


  • SeniorLandman
    19 Posts
    Tue, Jun 7 2011 4:47 AM

    Now they can post Sarah Palin on my page anyday!

  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Tue, Jun 7 2011 2:34 PM


    You do know, SeniorLandman, that WGT is based in San Francisco, right?

    Some things are more accepted around these parts than in, say, rural Arkansas. 

    Ya know, I live all over the Bay Area for 25+ used to many things, accepted very few ;)

  • 6six6
    194 Posts
    Tue, Jun 7 2011 6:49 PM

    It is pretty sickening.

  • Jerm65
    1,413 Posts
    Tue, Jun 14 2011 12:44 PM

    Absolutely!!  Sickening as hell!!

    Let's round up all them there homer-sekshals and put 'em all together on an island. And maybe send all them freaks with green eyes or red hair too.  Caint trust them none either.

    You can use the G&G method for this.....pioneered by a couple of noted human-rights activists by the names of Goering and Goebbels.

    It IS 2011, right?  Not 1911?   Or did I get time-warped last night?

    And before you start in on me....I'm as straight and WASP as they come.  What I'm a bigot.

  • SeniorLandman
    19 Posts
    Sat, Jun 25 2011 3:29 PM

    Well anyway, they took it off my page and I appreciate it.  Thank you WGT.

  • SeniorLandman
    19 Posts
    Sat, Jun 25 2011 3:31 PM

    Yes it is.