If you want to make a link look like a button, (here at WGT, not on other websites) you can do it by adding a class to your link.
My LinkMy LinkMy Link
Your link, when looking at the HTML will look something like this....
<a href="http://www.google.com" >My Link</a>
The 'href' is the web address of where you want the link to take you, in the above example, it's Google.
So, to give it the button styling, just add in the 'class' to the opening <a> tag. The class names for the three buttons are...
button_blue or
button_white. You should only add one class name depending on what colour button you want. So for a green button, your link would look like this...
<a href="http://www.google.com" class="button_green">My Link</a>
href = web address of where you want the link to take you.
class = the name of the style that is applied to your button.
My Link = the text in the button in my example.
Have fun. ; )
(Think I might have misinterpreted Dons post, but nevermind, the info is still useful).