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Not Fooling Anyone

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Thu, Sep 28 2017 7:34 PM (10 replies)
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  • Shunanana
    12 Posts
    Thu, Sep 28 2017 1:21 AM

    I have played this game on my computer, my neighbors during the hurricane, my phone, my wifes phone and even my dads crappy ipad in bluestacks in windows..every way you can imagine....that being said I have yet to experience the dramatic onset of meteritis, connection jitters or crappy gameplay that seems to accompany everyone the first time they hit an errant shot..oh the bad luck you must have... man up and take another arent fooling just join these games looking for an excuse to quit.

  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Thu, Sep 28 2017 9:42 AM
    I'll remain neutral on this thread but are you presuming that andyson was full of crap? Most of us know he was very informed about the workings of the game. ---- From andyson's profile page: "July 13,2011 I've been here on World Golf Tour two years now and the meter sucks just as bad today as it did back then.  I added 1g memory to my 3 yr old PC, still bad, I ran Game Booster on it and did all the recommended tweaks. Still bad.,,, and I now have a i5 quad core processor with 4Gb memory and a nice graphics card which far exceeds the minimum requirements set down by WGT I'm connected to a 25Mbps cable modem...  " ---- Results will vary, I guess, for all of us.
  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Thu, Sep 28 2017 9:49 AM
    Just to add, I like the meter's performance on the mobile version, the avatars are not so awesome. lmao
  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Sep 28 2017 10:06 AM
    are you presuming that andyson was full of crap? Most of us know he was very informed about the workings of the game.
    I doubt the OP even knows about Andyson. Andyson was never full of crap, he was brilliant and I had many, many discussions with him over this topic-some here in the forums and others through PMs. I have never had to do any of the things he put out there and I suspect the OP is the same way. Never. And I used to get in Andy's face about it, too, sometimes heatedly. In the end we both agreed it was possible but not probable that the average player had the computer smarts to get it right. Hence, the complaints. p.s., I think the OP ran into a quitter and was ranting. ;-)
  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Thu, Sep 28 2017 10:31 AM
    I have played this game on my computer, my neighbors during the hurricane, my phone, my wifes phone and even my dads crappy ipad in bluestacks in windows..every way you can imagine....that being said I have yet to experience the dramatic onset of meteritis, connection jitters or crappy gameplay that seems to accompany everyone the first time they hit an errant shot..oh the bad luck you must have... man up and take another arent fooling just join these games looking for an excuse to quit.
    Classic. "I haven't experienced it, therefore it doesn't exist."
  • 77Rachel
    1,590 Posts
    Thu, Sep 28 2017 11:48 AM
    I too have played on several platforms. I have found some that jitter and jump. It is what it is. On my laptop, I tweaked it a bit and havent had an issue since. On mobile, I still have a jumpy meter. Say what you want sir, but its true.
  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Thu, Sep 28 2017 12:17 PM
    here's the thing about meteritis... the meter is purely client side. Now. WGT could push data to you that your computer can't handle as the meter is moving. That's a possibility. better computer minimizes this. And i believe there is a setting in options that you can tweak to prevent this. However any meter issues are going, to just on a pure odds level, be more related to your own computer and the activities going on in the background. People talk about how smooth meter is on tablet. I actually have more issues on tablet but that's always because i just hadn't rebooted the thing in a while. Ive had the meter skip or stutter. before. It's not all that often. and as i said i know that it's on my own end. My best tip: Stop downloading porn in the background while playing wgt. edit: the forums have turned that whole post into a wall of text and ignored the paragraph breaks... not my fault lol
  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Sep 28 2017 1:04 PM
    Now. WGT could push data to you that your computer can't handle as the meter is moving.
    Great point and this is exactly what happens when you have the main page open in the background, such as you would if you hit the Play Now button to start. That opens the game in a second window and all the main page stuff--friend updates, stat updates, stuff like that--still goes on in the background on the same connection and can get in the way.....................Simple fix, close the window.
  • Shunanana
    12 Posts
    Thu, Sep 28 2017 5:07 PM
    I am merely pointing out it should not be an excuse for every bad shot, or an excuse to leave 3 guys hanging..
  • Shunanana
    12 Posts
    Thu, Sep 28 2017 5:25 PM
    I will add that I am running an Asus F2A85v-PRO..with an A-10 processor at 3800. I also have a GTX750 graphix card and my connection is 200 MBS... all of this was built in 2011 and the card added last year. 3 22" monitors and I score "great" on the flash test found here on wgt...score of 16705 with WGT open in another screen That is across Chrome, Opera and Firefox with little differences. Windows 10 Maybe its the Internet any event I still screw up my swing often..and rarely is it due to a jumpy meter.
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