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Am i missing something

Tue, Jan 3 2017 7:30 AM (24 replies)
    10,728 Posts
    Tue, May 31 2011 12:33 PM

    Why is it that in mod, and high winds,My shot at address will show (example) 26 wind at 5 o clock,i adjust aim and nail it only to see it go15 right,When i get to green i see 26 wind at 4 0 clock,This happens very often to me,and i wondered if im doing something wrong,So in short the wind at address can sometimes be different to how the wind actually is because it shows up more or less after the shot is played,

  • Infinito3010
    3,689 Posts
    Tue, May 31 2011 12:45 PM

    Hi Tess;

    When you line up your shot, where is the pin relative to the player, left side, right side, then look at the wind direction. For example a cross wind.  Imagination is not perfect but the wind actually maybe a slight head wind or tail wind depending where you are aiming compared to where you are on the fairway.  Also use reverse camera view and look at the wind direction and compared it to forward view.   And I stilled get fooled, as it says,  golf is not without thinking before swinging. 

    This in my opinion adds more realism to the shot, and secondly compensating for the wind is not an exact science.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, May 31 2011 1:14 PM

    I don't think that direction change from fairway to green makes for a 15 yard variance. I would think more like when you ding the shot you have a chance of the normal deviation being on the downwind side, by chance as it were. But if you miss a pixel on the upwind side that chance is diminished considerably. For whatever reason, missing by just that little pixel or 2 seems to help a lot.

    10,728 Posts
    Tue, May 31 2011 1:35 PM

    Sorry Jim that is 15 feet not yards,Il explain again,When i take my approach shot sometimes,i hit a good shot but the ball goes quite a way off target say 15 to 18 feet,then as it is moving in flight offline i notice that wind has changed from what i saw before i hit the ball,and it can change quite significantly ,Like i said it can be 26 wind at 4 0 clock when i hit  but i notice that when it hits the green 15 or 18 feet offline the wind has changed to say 3 o clock,,,t=Thanks for that advice Shade il double check more on the angle next time,So i was wondering if any other players notice a wind change AFTER  the ball has been struck?

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Tue, May 31 2011 1:58 PM

    Happens to me quite often, thought it was just me messing up. Couldn't figure out how a 21 mph in the face would let a Cleveland at 80 go 98 yrds in the air. Still must be me.

  • JaLaBar
    1,254 Posts
    Tue, May 31 2011 2:03 PM

    I have noticed wind has a much lesser mitigating effect on wedges, no matter the degree, than on irons and driver/wood.  Even a full Cleveland at 90 yards into a 20MPH wind seems to lose only a couple of yards if that.  However, crosswinds seem to have the normal effect on them.

  • gsoup
    2,929 Posts
    Tue, May 31 2011 2:20 PM

    one thing about the wind... if it says its blowing then it should be blowing. its not consistent imo


  • Yappy22
    733 Posts
    Tue, May 31 2011 2:38 PM

    I never looked but I will now. Wind is not science for me but guessing with luck. I think Jim is right about missing upwind, seems to help get closer. Miss downwind and you are way off.

  • gene1022
    112 Posts
    Tue, May 31 2011 2:59 PM

    The small change in wind direction you see, is because the ball is traveling to a new location. Another way to help judge wind allowance, is to zoom in to pin and click on aim tab. Ball flight line will appear, take a look at wind direction compared to flight line. Helps me.

  • PugsAce
    1,825 Posts
    Tue, May 31 2011 3:24 PM

    Hmmmm.... I've always been under the impression that  the wind shown is "the prevailing wind at the flagstick". Thus, as I move towards the hole, the wind's relative direction changes and moves.

    I've recently re-enabled my flagstick animation, and the flag seems to remain moving in the same direction (for the most part) , no matter where I am as I approach and play the green, so this seems to validate my initial impression.

    I use Gene's earlier-posted  "zoom method" to check out the direction at the pin, and adjust each of my shots accordingly. This may not be the only way to gauge the wind's direction, but to me it seems to be one of the the best ways.