I love it. I simply love this moment when only I know who´s playing who :)
Right, my moment of glory is over, here we go:
1. Villadeoro & Elvinomepego vs. JCOlson & Dud_doodle
2. Win1soon & Stonecoldkiller vs. Priestess & Stuffix
3. Hanswurst & TallAcePaul vs. Mrenn29 & Kyrock75
4. Pgabound & Phieaglesfan vs. Kam4122 & Suncity
5. Stuffix & Tiffer vs. Cyl6 & Bartmania
6. Mrenn29 & Kyrock75 vs. Villadeoro & Bigsaur
7. Simovoice & Priestess vs. Nickolijj & Poolmaniac
8. Cyl6 & Bartmania vs. Daskino & Suncity
You can start arranging your matches but please don´t play them until the 12th.