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What happened here?

Tue, Dec 5 2017 1:57 PM (24 replies)
  • MichaelHazen
    491 Posts
    Fri, Nov 17 2017 4:55 AM

    I know I've not been the most active member lately, but I'm trying to figure out what happened to the site I loved? When did things I think most of us came to the site for become secondary matters? I came to this site because it had real courses, real conditions, real equipment and no silly gimmicks or cheesy video game corniness. 

    Instead of new avatars, or maybe adding trophies, we get, "ball effects"? I'd rather spend my money picking out a cooler looking avatar or a golf bag, Cobra style clubs or playing a new course (or maybe  just bring back Oakmont!) The meter pal's and club passes, really? I don't even like the tournaments. Again, make better trophies give it some actual prestige. Actually name the tournaments maybe. I don't know. Again the main reason I joined was due to realism which I feel has been thrown out the window with the addition of the "kitty ball"! You need to be meowed at when hitting now? Really?

    Now I'm sure I'm going to catch some amount of flack for this and that's more then fine with me. But I noticed I'm not the only one. Alot of the all time greats I don't seem to notice plugging around much either. It's disheartening. I've asked on multiple occasions for WGT to improve a few things that would I think add general trophies, more avatars, a realistic tour set up (A point system, something) Your telling me you can add "effects" to t he ball, but can't give us a new trophy in 7 years?! Really?! The one thing I'm glad they did was allow tournament creators put their own credits in and decide how it's distributed out without the other members needing to pay into it! That's smart! That's realistic! 

    I hope someone from the main group that runs this thing reads this or is stumbled upon to this. The reason people wanted to be part of this I think is realism, not gimmicks. 

    Thanks for listening folks! Have fun out there!

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Nov 19 2017 12:58 AM

    What happened? 

    Well WGT hired 1st graders as the marketing team for starters......well that could be the only possible explanation.

    Like you gimmicks are a turn off (I just ignore them ....but sadly there are those who seem to like them, and if they spend, then job accomplished as far as WGT go.

    But the game is still fundamentally good, but could and should be better....but then again, what drove you away? 

    What does it take for players to remain active? 

    Of course there are a ton of reasons for players leaving....maybe the silly gimmicks keeps some....and puts others off.

    For the record......Oak is still just need to know where to look.....start on my profile for a start :)

    Have I said, still a good game...gimmicks and all.

  • rollone
    781 Posts
    Fri, Nov 24 2017 4:27 PM

    is it me or has something changed playing-wise in the game? even 2 ft putts anymore are almost impossible for me. something has been changed

  • daviddanser
    5 Posts
    Sat, Nov 25 2017 6:07 AM



    you said everything i wanted to say!

  • MainzMan
    9,591 Posts
    Sat, Nov 25 2017 6:27 AM

    The game has changed in many ways since I've been here, sadly many of those changes have been for the worse.

    The core of the game is still brilliant, the physics are fantastic, the courses look wonderful and the ability to play with others is great.  There are connection issues now and then but I do believe they are at least partly out of WGT's control.  They cannot be held responsible for every internet connection in the world after all.

    However, they do seem to have lost the plot somewhat.  For me it started with clashes.  A great idea if only they'd implemented them differently.  That subject has been discussed in huge detail elsewhere though so I'll pass on adding to it here.

    Perhaps they've started concentrating too much on the mobile version and the presumably lower average age of their new customer.  If they are pandering to the whipper snappers among us then it would explain the pathetic obsession they have with pointless tee markers and childish ball effects.  We don't want that shite.  Please stop pushing it on us.

    Damn, this is starting to be influenced by my rather excessive Pims intake.  Oh well, in for a piss, in for a shite as my grandmother used to say.

    Truth is I'm massively pissed off and let down by what these idiots have done with a brilliant game.  Do fancy tee markers add anything?  Nope. Stupid vapour trails?  Nope there too.  The champagne ones are pretty cool but that may be the rampant alcoholic in me speaking.

    They have a superb product here but they've somehow managed to almost ruin it with stupid and pointless gimmicks that very few of us want so have.  Every update introduces a new bug and every time it happens someone decides to look elsewhere for online entertainment.  There is a hell of a lot of competition out there after all.

    Please WGT, I'm begging you, stop pandering to the band of illiterates who love anything shiny and start listening to your old and faithful members who want a good game and no tinsel on the side.

  • Lute345
    2,483 Posts
    Sat, Nov 25 2017 11:39 AM

    You the MAN, MainzMan!! Provo!! You have said everything a lot of us have been thinking and saying now for quite some time!! Too bad nobody from TopGolf/WGT is listening!! It truly does appear as though they are targeting the Mobile users far more than the PC side!!Sad reality!!


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sat, Nov 25 2017 1:58 PM

    +1 to Damian and I echo Lute's sentiments.

    Damn, and no Pimms lest for me (:

  • dancingdennis
    1,343 Posts
    Sat, Dec 2 2017 7:50 AM

    I stil think this is an awesome game and would prefer to play this rather then watching TV or to piss my wife off playing this game while watching TV. 

    Some of the gimmicks you just ignore, like the balls, they don’t force these balls on you . As for the turf war & clashes - just adds another way to play the game.

    trophies, new trophies, that ‘s what you think will fix this game, really?

    fix the technical stuff would be what the majority would feel is the # 1 priority.

    All in all I still love playing this game and only have missed one day playing.

  • kavvz
    2,195 Posts
    Sat, Dec 2 2017 4:08 PM


    What you need to do is think bigger than yourselves.  Think bigger than what you want out of the game.  WGT isn't trying to cater to the purists alone.  They would be stupid to do so.

    There are people who play this game who like the flashy stuff, and I point you to the grandfather who bought some ball effects because his granddaughter like to watch the ball like that.  Isn't that pretty cool?  If you think not then perhaps you don't have kids / grand kids, but rest assured one day when you do you will get it.

    My suggestion is to ignore the things in the game you don't like, and carry on because even with the flashy balls and clashes, it's still the best golf game out there.  Life's too short to sweat the small stuff.

    Hit 'em straight and roll 'em true.



  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Sat, Dec 2 2017 5:41 PM

    LMAO, are you serious? Who in their right mind would let their children or grandchildren watch them play this game!

    One missed putt or VEM'd shot could ruin a lifetime of setting a good example for them!

    For the record, I absolutely "hate" all the flashy cr@p, it uses up resources that would make the game play better, in fact, I wish they would stop letting us post links, a million images, and videos which also uses up valuable resources!

    It's all about the game to me LOL!