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Replay Help- silly question

Wed, Jan 17 2018 7:06 AM (6 replies)
  • motorcityhitman
    1 Posts
    Tue, Dec 5 2017 5:44 AM


    Ive been a player for years but want to know a simple question. I eagled a hole and wanted to have my shot on the highlights page.

    Simple question is how do you do it?



  • TopShelf2010
    10,968 Posts
    Tue, Dec 5 2017 6:01 AM


  • ScottHope
    10,607 Posts
    Wed, Dec 27 2017 10:17 AM

    Very nice to accompany some of my more accomplished friends on the replay highlights page, but my main reason for posting is this.

    I've always thought that you had to save a replay to the designated section on your profile page for it to be eligible for selection here, but my replay here wasn't. For a long time now I've chosen the URL copy option on the save shot page to keep a record of my memorable shots, so it looks like just initiating the save replay might trigger the selection process behind the replay highlights page.

    Hope that makes some kind of sense.  ; )

  • ScottHope
    10,607 Posts
    Tue, Jan 16 2018 9:41 AM

    If anyone is looking at the replay highlights at the moment and sees my shot on it twice (gone now), I think it's because I saved the same shot twice.

    I thought I might have messed up copying the URL the first time I saved it, so I went through the process a second time, which gave me a different URL and I guess that's why the shot has appeared twice on the highlights page.

    Thank you. : )

  • TopShelf2010
    10,968 Posts
    Wed, Jan 17 2018 3:29 AM


  • borntobesting
    9,751 Posts
    Wed, Jan 17 2018 6:08 AM



    Ive been a player for years but want to know a simple question. I eagled a hole and wanted to have my shot on the highlights page.

    Simple question is how do you do it?



    Like a previous poster stated they are chosen by WGT. And they are saved replays of hole-in-ones. I had one on there a few years back, I've never seen one that wasn't a hole-in-one or a ace on a CTTH course.

  • ScottHope
    10,607 Posts
    Wed, Jan 17 2018 7:06 AM

    Joe, have you watched any of the replays on the highlights page? As what you have just stated is incorrect. Are you sure you didn't mean holed out shots?