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Thu, Dec 14 2017 9:56 PM (17 replies)
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  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Fri, Dec 8 2017 11:45 AM

    There may be a replacement coming we will just have to wait and see . After all this is money out of WGT`s pocket . A loss in revenue to them is not something they want  for sure .  So they cant keep losing these ad sites and not replacing them .

    Your right, in that they should replace them. If not, a lot of players are going to use starter balls.

    That won't go over well

  • Sca63
    203 Posts
    Fri, Dec 8 2017 4:14 PM

    I doubt there will be a replacement. WGT will likely just raise the price of golf balls to offset any revenue lost.

  • BlackberrySmoke2
    6 Posts
    Sat, Dec 9 2017 12:15 PM

    Well that Kind of sucks, could be worse, you could be a Nascar team owner LOL!

  • JimbeauC
    5,835 Posts
    Sat, Dec 9 2017 12:19 PM

    For those of us using PC's, the emulators such as BlueStacks, are now the best source of video credits.


    Everyone better start utilizing this. As the game goes more and more focused on MD, it's the one that is most likely to stick around. 

  • MainzMan
    9,590 Posts
    Sat, Dec 9 2017 1:42 PM


    For those of us using PC's, the emulators such as BlueStacks, are now the best source of video credits.


    Everyone better start utilizing this. As the game goes more and more focused on MD, it's the one that is most likely to stick around. 

    Can I also log into my PC created account on my smart phone and use it to earn credits?   If there are a few to be had it would make it worthwhile.

  • JimbeauC
    5,835 Posts
    Sat, Dec 9 2017 2:07 PM

    Can I also log into my PC created account on my smart phone and use it to earn credits?

    Yes. Once you have the app loaded, get past a couple of WGT ads, look in the lower left and follow your nose.

    Be aware that you may get erroneous no vids messages. I usually don't give up until I've gotten 5 or 6. 

    As I understand it, the videos have been somewhat limited lately in non US. Hopefully, they'll come back. I'm lucky to live in a zip code with a very large retail mecca of sorts, so especially this time of year, it's been gangbusters. 

    Good Luck.


  • Lesthanpar
    1,482 Posts
    Sat, Dec 9 2017 2:20 PM


    For those of us using PC's, the emulators such as BlueStacks, are now the best source of video credits. As times change we must adapt to the new environment. This is the way of progress. I'm just glad that I can still keep ahead in the free credit game. But one of these days I am sure I will have to start getting eating into my account. Glad I as able to build it up in the past.

    For me the surveys are the best source of credits.No doubt the fewer free credits that players can get then the fewer they will spend on WGT balls and other equipment so it will hurt their sales somewhat especially balls I think Like you  I am glad I saved up some credits and balls for when credits were harder to get.

  • Lesthanpar
    1,482 Posts
    Thu, Dec 14 2017 9:56 PM

    Live gamer is still active even with the Dec 13 shut down notice still on it.I will continue using it until it actually does shut down.

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