NALO1210: I hope u look at his wall before......
If not he has now 2 drivers :)
Was asking sidersbest who need something and he called this player on my wall
So i send him a driver :)
The problem is that many of us are moderated because of whatever or why.
So u cant reply here in time.
I thought slidersbest does it but also there is a diff. of the timezones.
Yes, that's somewhat of an issue.
As a suggestion, if someone wants to spread some Christmas cheer perhaps post on the receiver's wall that you've done so -- then before gifting check that same profile to see if someone's already been down that chimney. :)
Also post in this thread what you've gifted so SidersBest can update 1st post and also so people can see someone's already been gifted here as well.
Cheers all & Merry Christmas!