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2017- 12 Days of WGT's Holiday Give away

Sun, Dec 23 2018 5:36 PM (203 replies)
  • WillieSinkit
    1,752 Posts
    Thu, Dec 21 2017 9:08 AM

    This thread is truly amazing - I never realised that there were so many generous people in WGTland.

    Well done to all of you (applause).

    With the onset of winter and the cold dark days in the UK, I find myself playing more and am desperately trying to reach Tour Legend.

    The demise of the video carousel and the absence of surveys that I can qualify for is now severely restricting my credit earnings so am wondering whether Santa could send me some level 51+ Yellow Volvik balls please ?

    If so - great and thank you very much indeed :)

    If not - then please keep up the good work all of you.

    Merry Christmas.


  • SidersBest
    873 Posts
    Thu, Dec 21 2017 11:45 AM

    Merry Christmas

    Willie Sink it - 2 sleeves of Volvik L 51s

    Siders Best

  • shovlovin
    2,112 Posts
    Thu, Dec 21 2017 12:01 PM

    Gentlemen perhaps you can help me out with this dilemma of one of the members of my Country Club ;(WGTAMIGOS ) here is what he posted on our Forum, :-

    United States
    24 Posts
    12-21-2017 10:18 AM

    Brain or any Amigo that knows what i can do or say to them . The problem is my Dad and i both used the same ip address we both have the same name he has past now they got that part but this week i had my grandkids over and let them play on my laptop. i seen that they where selling all my clubs so i made each one of the a account to use well they where here . now they say i made to many account and they disabled all off them. I dont know what to do but as stupied as it may sound this is fucked. i no its only a game but i just started to enjoy being a Amigo and bullshiting with all of you . At 50 there isnt much to do after work this is how i unwinded. I must sound like a lonely old man . Thank you for letting me vent . NOW I CAN SAY I WENT FROM THE PENTHOUSE TO THE *** HOUSE ALL IN ONE VISIT



                                                                        Robert Stevens

  • WillieSinkit
    1,752 Posts
    Thu, Dec 21 2017 12:25 PM


    Merry Christmas

    Willie Sink it - 2 sleeves of Volvik L 51s

    Siders Best


    Wow  -  thank you very much indeed Sir.

    Seasons greetings and my very best wishes for 2018.



  • craigswan
    31,545 Posts
    Thu, Dec 21 2017 12:28 PM

    As some of you will know i hang about these forums a bit .

    I did play seriously but being to tight to update my clubs and starter balls i was never really improving that much .

    Then last year for no reason a regular on here updated my clubs and since then i have  hit legend and my average has dropped like a stone . I will not mention his name but thanks again .

    I don't need anything . I still use starter balls as they are the one's i play best with . I have better balls in my bag but i like the run on the starters as i know what they will do .

    Just like to say a big thank you to the giver's on here . I can see your help is appreciated .

    Enjoy your presents guys and remember you still need to put in the hard work .

    Merry xmas all .

  • adeypa
    1,151 Posts
    Thu, Dec 21 2017 12:36 PM


    Gentlemen perhaps you can help me out with this dilemma of one of the members of my Country Club ;(WGTAMIGOS ) here is what he posted on our Forum, :-

    United States
    24 Posts
    12-21-2017 10:18 AM

    Brain or any Amigo that knows what i can do or say to them . The problem is my Dad and i both used the same ip address we both have the same name he has past now they got that part but this week i had my grandkids over and let them play on my laptop. i seen that they where selling all my clubs so i made each one of the a account to use well they where here . now they say i made to many account and they disabled all off them. I dont know what to do but as stupied as it may sound this is fucked. i no its only a game but i just started to enjoy being a Amigo and bullshiting with all of you . At 50 there isnt much to do after work this is how i unwinded. I must sound like a lonely old man . Thank you for letting me vent . NOW I CAN SAY I WENT FROM THE PENTHOUSE TO THE *** HOUSE ALL IN ONE VISIT



                                                                        Robert Stevens

    Hey Shovlovin, before i go and sort Roberts lack of clubs, can you just clear up if his account is closed or just that his clubs were sold ? I'm not sure from his post and I want to be sure that the credits won't go to waste.

    Ta mate, Ade

  • fishthengolf
    72 Posts
    Thu, Dec 21 2017 3:57 PM

    I thought this Christmas giveaway was a joke, I posted to find out about  becoming a nation member and mentioned wanting to try the nike lvl 90 platinum balls, they have a slow meter and since my first, yes my very first post  here at WGT forums  I have since reached lvl 90, and have tried the balls and love them,  just having trouble affording them, thanks for considering me for a gift, MERRY CHRISTMAS, and happy new year


  • conveyorguy
    786 Posts
    Thu, Dec 21 2017 5:34 PM


    Gentlemen perhaps you can help me out with this dilemma of one of the members of my Country Club ;(WGTAMIGOS ) here is what he posted on our Forum, :-

    United States
    24 Posts
    12-21-2017 10:18 AM

    Brain or any Amigo that knows what i can do or say to them . The problem is my Dad and i both used the same ip address we both have the same name he has past now they got that part but this week i had my grandkids over and let them play on my laptop. i seen that they where selling all my clubs so i made each one of the a account to use well they where here . now they say i made to many account and they disabled all off them. I dont know what to do but as stupied as it may sound this is fucked. i no its only a game but i just started to enjoy being a Amigo and bullshiting with all of you . At 50 there isnt much to do after work this is how i unwinded. I must sound like a lonely old man . Thank you for letting me vent . NOW I CAN SAY I WENT FROM THE PENTHOUSE TO THE *** HOUSE ALL IN ONE VISIT



                                                                        Robert Stevens

      I have considerable experience with this . As I have had around 10 similar circumstances in my CC  Unfortunately Robert since TopGolf entered the equation . 

      I have yet to see a case heard and resolved . Since TopGolf . In each of the cases I am familiar with . There too was a single WGT golf lover . With one account for themself but the ISP had been spoiled by other users . In that household . 

      They each wrote to WGT . never heard from or responded to . And remained disabled . 

      Some attempted new usernames . When the ISP was recognized . It was immediately disabled again . It doesn't matter how innocent you are . You basically will have to move to another residence to get a legitamet  account. 

    it may be possible that your service provider can get you a new ISP ?
  • Woodie312
    671 Posts
    Thu, Dec 21 2017 6:56 PM


    Look on the ground : \ if no one wants that sleeve of 71 nikes I will be quite happy to accept them santa.

    Merry Christmas from Clint in Australia.

    Check your stocking Clinton, 2 sleeves sent.