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Burning the midnight oil

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Thu, Jun 16 2011 5:00 PM (14 replies)
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  • Voyager9940
    684 Posts
    Sat, Jun 11 2011 5:17 AM

    I adore playing alternate games, almost only 9 holes as a limit and at 45 seconds since these games consume quite some time, very often valuable and quality time. Time that I don't wanna watch go down the drain in any useless manner. Having few or far stronger opponents to beat is not a waste of time, it is a learning process and always competitive. Having an incompetent partner on your side IS a waste time. I am not talking here about a less experienced or novice partner, since they also deserve a good play and learning experience, yet I refer to some of those midnigh oil burners, mostly half or completely drunk or stoned, who do wanna play yet never take it seriously at any time. I had quite some of those drunks as opponent or partner lately and it is by far a hateful experience. Rather do I wanna share a good play with a serious person, win or loose, then an annoying experience with any incompetent player due to circumstances caused by liquor, beer or unlawful chemicals.

    This is not an attack or abuse to those persons mentioned above, yet an honest sharing, an advice maybe, to perhaps avoid WGT in a group play when being about or less then half able to share a serious play with others.

    I welcome and appreciate any sincere and non abusive reactions.

    See you on the course!


  • Sanco
    1,345 Posts
    Sat, Jun 11 2011 10:53 PM

    I guess those people wanna have fun and do not take the game too seriously. There isn't an easy answer for your dilemma my friend, short of not playing the alt/shot games that is.

    There is also nothing WGT, or this community for that matter, can do about it, but I guess it is good to vent a little.

    You could, however, get some liquour in yourself before the games if you wish ... just kidding ;)


    Hit them straight.

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Sat, Jun 11 2011 11:20 PM

    I had a partner once who thought it was funny to let the clock run out when he had a 6 inch putt to win the game on the last hole. I was not amused.

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Sun, Jun 12 2011 1:59 PM

    I actually played a round or two last night with a fair bit of 'adult beverages' in my system...  I did notice that I played a wee bit better.

    But then again, I wasn't tanked either... just a really pleasant evening.

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Sun, Jun 12 2011 3:34 PM

    I prefer alternate shot because of the learning curve of playing off someone else's shot aside from my own. Hacks to drunks, I don't care. I still must play the shot...time? No body is here for the money.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sun, Jun 12 2011 4:37 PM

    I play the game to win and have a bit of fun too. Yes it can very annoying when people run the time down, ya watching the clock run down and ya thinking hurry up will they play there shot. There's nothing that can be done about it and i've got used to it. Sometimes it gives me chance to get up and get another drink or go and find a tree..a bit hard on the links

    Not forgetting too, sometimes they can be having meter probs, which can cause the clock to run down because they are doing practice swings until the meter is good.



  • Voyager9940
    684 Posts
    Thu, Jun 16 2011 5:58 AM

    Dear Sanco,


    Indeed, WGT cannot do anything about this. It is us, the players who need to be responsable with our play choices and timings.

    I like a good glass of Bourbon my self, and two or more as well, but will not play group games when too much under influence.

    Hear ya soon!


  • Voyager9940
    684 Posts
    Thu, Jun 16 2011 6:00 AM

    Dear Piztaker,

    We share a common experience and can second your reaction then! And once, I had a guy who waited for the last 5 seconds on every single shot (with a 90 sec timer) before striking, even when the shot never required more then a few seconds thought or set up.


  • Voyager9940
    684 Posts
    Thu, Jun 16 2011 6:04 AM


    I actually played a round or two last night with a fair bit of 'adult beverages' in my system...  I did notice that I played a wee bit better.

    But then again, I wasn't tanked either... just a really pleasant evening.


    Dear Snaike,

    I play group games with some beers or a good Bourbon behind me as well (not very often!), yet will only do that when still feel up to playing a more or less good average game. At one time, I warned the guys up front and all went along with it. I lost that game but true, it was a pleasant experience as well.

    Till later!


  • Voyager9940
    684 Posts
    Thu, Jun 16 2011 6:07 AM


    I prefer alternate shot because of the learning curve of playing off someone else's shot aside from my own. Hacks to drunks, I don't care. I still must play the shot...time? No body is here for the money.


    Dear Sweetiepie,

    Like most of us, I am not in for the money as well (although I do play quite some tournaments for dough), yet it is the time consuming, better called the badly waisted time, and the adjacent frustration and lack of respect that I dislike mostly.

    And very true, these games are very educational!

    Hear ya soon!


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