First, someone who is violating the rules basically forfeits the right to complain. It's not a matter of "attacking the messenger." It's a matter of pointing out that he should have no expectation of being taken seriously.
Second, what value is there to us "addressing" the question"? There's nothing any of us can do. Besides, I'd bet a lot of the posters who replied don't even take these coin games seriously, much less compete in them. In other words, we would rather WGT work on other things than this, regardless of how legitimate the issue might be in the eyes of those who play these games.
Third, and finally, while it is correct that a hack might get lucky on a single hole and defeat a higher-ranked player, in the long run that will take care of itself. To borrow a quote, "The more I practice (i.e. play), the luckier I get."
By the way, the phrase "lying politicians" is redundant. ;-)