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"Current Status/Tracking" on Player Profile Page?

rated by 0 users
Sun, Jun 12 2011 10:30 AM (1 replies)
  • PugsAce
    1,825 Posts
    Sat, Jun 11 2011 12:38 PM


    I s'pose I could be considered a "longtime member" here at WGT, but I'd never noticed this before...

    I never realized that my whereabouts/status was evident on my profile page... at least it is to me... I don't know if others can see it, because I tried viewing some of my friend's profiles to see if something similar was there and didn't see it on their pages while they're "busy".

    If this info WAS available ... it would be a great tool for setting-up a match between friends... by viewing one's profile page, it could go sorta like this... " Playa is on his last hole @ SA's, so if we wait a couple minutes, he'll be finishing up and he can join us".

    Apparently, this "player tracking" IS in effect, but I don't understand why, if indeed my status is only visible to me. (???)

    Am I missing something? Is this new? Any of you other "oldtimers" ever seen this before?

    In its current state, what purpose does this "self-information" serve?


  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sun, Jun 12 2011 10:30 AM


    Am I missing something? Is this new? Any of you other "oldtimers" ever seen this before?

    In its current state, what purpose does this "self-information" serve?

    That has been there as long as this "oldtimer" can remember.  It also appears on the forum pages IF you read the forums while in a game.  (Odd that this feature is present and WGT recommends closing other WGT windows while in the game client window.)

    It serves no purpose IMO right now and is a waste of server and PC resources.

    I agree with you it would be useful if it was somehow, somewhere, available to OTHER players.

    Something like rolling your cursor over a friend on your list give a small pop-up like this?