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Club to Boycott Clashes

Sat, Dec 29 2018 7:32 PM (20 replies)
  • PFCFDTraining
    1 Posts
    Fri, Dec 29 2017 6:53 AM

     Heres my 2 cents, You guys are spot on in with the Boycott! and when the top clubs in the game are joining together, something must be wrong. FIX IT WGT!!!!! I'm jumping on the bandwagon. Until we get a little more incentive to keep monetarily supporting this game. Our club alone has hundreds of participants in every event. that spend hundreds of REAL DOLLARS on this game for ONE person to get a BOGUS not bonus prizes, on top of the couple passes that everyone in the club gets.


    2 cents done.                                                              

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Fri, Dec 29 2017 7:19 AM

    We along with a number of other clubs are banding together and are boycotting the clashes.

    Please post your comments and thoughts

    Your club is currently ranked 20th in the clash.

    I don't think this word "boycott" means what you think it means.

  • Parbuster1962
    281 Posts
    Fri, Dec 29 2017 7:43 AM

    Hi Robert

    I hear your comment. Let me clarify.

    By “boycott” what we mean is that we are only using the free passes we receive every 4 hours and only using free balls.

    We are still playing for the love of the game but we are not willing to put money into the pockets of WGT until they improve the payouts in the Clashes and other tournaments.

    For a club to come in the top 3 spots the members need to spend at least $300 and the Georgians spend considerably more. What do you receive in return? One person receives a putter for 1st place, 2nd place one player gets a dozen balls and 3rd place one player receives 3 balls.

    This is a ridiculously small reward for a large cash investment and even if your team wins you will not receive a prize unless your own chooses to give the prize to you instead of other members.

    I hope this helps

  • garylewisgr
    415 Posts
    Fri, Dec 29 2017 7:54 AM

    I like when CCs support the clashes and spend lots of money on them. That means WGT will make lots of money and continue to operate so guys like me who don't play them can continue to play here ! heh heh

    Happy New Year everyone !!          Gary




  • craigswan
    32,163 Posts
    Fri, Dec 29 2017 9:26 AM

  • Wellsy66
    2 Posts
    Fri, Dec 29 2017 10:17 AM

    Tottaly in agreement , our club regulary finish in the top three and all we get is a dozen balls between 250 members and 1 more course builder than a club that finishes in 100 place

    time to make a stand ...Boycott the clash 


  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Fri, Dec 29 2017 11:09 AM


    OK. Thanks for the clarification. But if clubs continue to participate at any level, WGT is unlikely to change it.

    The only way it might change is if virtually all clubs boycotted it (i.e. not participate at all). But then you have a classic collective action problem.

  • borntobesting
    9,751 Posts
    Fri, Dec 29 2017 11:47 AM

    So the Max balls you are using were free?? Only  if you bought credits. So it appears that you are not really boycotting anything.

  • Tigerpaw509
    1,285 Posts
    Fri, Dec 29 2017 12:12 PM

    Im running a new game where the Club that gives me the most money wins and in return you get a couple of free balls.Join in this new game and out spend the other teams to have the title of "Spent the most Money Award".

    This could be BIG BIG BIG.their team spends $50 and you counter with $100 and your teammates go wild,then out of nowhere their team spends $150 but the excitement is over the top and now your Team spends $200.00 and the gallery goes nuts.

    And no more waiting weeks for the next chance to spend Money,this puppys gonna run 24/7 365 days a year.


  • MistressCosette
    4,749 Posts
    Fri, Dec 29 2017 12:19 PM

    In actuality, the Georgian doesn't spend much at all nowadays. Sure, SOME members (maybe 5%) spend a lot to play in clashes buying passes and speed-up boosts, but the reason the Georgian wins all the time is we get between 90-95% participation in clashes.

    I've NEVER seen that level of participation in a one is even close, and that's the REAL reason the Georgian cranks it up every time.  Believe it or not, we have a sponsorship program that we put on the SHELF for a while and don't use it least until a serious challenge comes along.  The Georgian is capable at any time of taking that sponsorship program out of mothballs and achieving 500,000 points in any clash we choose.

    But...why waste money?  Georgians are more frugal than people think. We just PLAY...a LOT...and all of us chip in a few rounds.  It's not easy getting 95% participation, but everyone seems to be on the same page.  

    Get everyone in your club on the same page, and I'll bet you can crank it up too.  However, we'll be

    Have fun and enjoy. That's the whole purpose of this game.
