phipster: Our club owner gifts 5 club passes to the top three point scorers and I am wondering whether it is worth it if it then means that we then miss out of the free 12 hourly club passes...
It does mean exactly that, and it can't be worth a single Millim (minor value of the Tunesian currency, 1/1000 Dinar).
Not for you, because you gain nothing (except the expectation to use them = play more),
not for your CC of L14, because there's nothing of real value left to benefit from in the next levels.
It's already hard to gain reasonable CC XPs with the second free pass of the day, once the CDP bonus has been taken. Imagine at which cost the additional XPs come, and tomorrow, you will play a 37 pass instead of a free pass :(
The biggest trap comes up in the CC Events IMHO. Once a player buys (or gets gifted) a CC pass for a second game in a Clash, he won't be able to use a free pass in the next Clash, due to the four hour wait (assumed that it works).
For all these reasons, I am preaching to my CC members relentlessly NOT to buy any passes, NEVER!