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Why do people disconnect

Mon, Jun 20 2011 5:26 AM (27 replies)
  • akabeppe
    15 Posts
    Tue, Jun 14 2011 11:41 AM

    Whilst i understand the complexities of this type of facility on the connection speed is incredibly slow and i have on rare occasion locked up and been unable to continue......but each evenign now i am joining games and people who obviously are playing bad opt to just leave and start another game. This is very apparent and becoming a growing problem for me. What can WGT do to bring this game back to how it should be...gentelmanly....i would ask "how many people walk off thier golf course on the 6th hole after 1 bad shot"  need i say more....

  • SystemCrash
    209 Posts
    Tue, Jun 14 2011 7:52 PM

    Mostly because it is free and they don't lose anything by disconnecting. When they play the Challenge tourneys and Cabo Del Sol, they don't disconnect after a bad shot because they invested 1 buck.

    We have what we pay for. :)


  • gr8flbob
    592 Posts
    Wed, Jun 15 2011 12:24 AM

    System has called it for the 'lack of financial penalty' aspect. That aside there are some things you can do to address the problem personally:

    1. Play with people you can trust to complete games. Make WGT friends of people who finish rounds; conversely don't play repeat offenders, that is do not make them WGT friends.

    2. join a country club or start one of your own; in a smaller, controlled population social ostracizing is still an effective tool to enhance behavior.

    3. look into one of the non-WGT sites that keep stats and rate players, while actually playing the WGT game. I joined, a site set up by a British fan and members there will not last long if they are quitters. All matches are arranged in a chat room at first, then set up here at WGT by one of the original challengers. Results are posted by losers and standings are maintained at 

    I couldn't find a game there last night and tried the old 'find a random game' here at WGT for the first time in around 6 months, knowing there was some risk. So 4 of us started a 9 hole stroke round ... and the first drop was after one and half holes, The second quitter left after about 6 holes and the game froze, so we 2 remaining players were unable to complete the game.

    At that point I remembered why I moved to !

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Wed, Jun 15 2011 3:47 AM

    Because they think that by quitting it stops them losing. When in fact quitters are the biggest losers.

    10,728 Posts
    Wed, Jun 15 2011 5:40 AM

    Players may quit for many reasons,Maybe they are playing at work and suddenly get busy, Maybe they are playing in internet cafe and lose connection,Maybe they are playing from a friends house and have to hand computer time back over, Or maybe they have visitors at home while they are playing and have to leave,This is internet golf and you will always get people disconnecting,Some are genuine and some are not,How can you separate the 2?When you play Alt shot with 3 strangers id say the chance of finishing that game is 60 percent, Unless it is an arranged comm, comp

  • akabeppe
    15 Posts
    Wed, Jun 15 2011 7:39 AM

    Thank you so much for your replies which are extremely helpful....i have myself lost connection and had to leave but this sint what the question is your responses are excellent...i particularly like the idea of my own country club and the .uk link sounds bloody great too...i really love golf and love WGT and this may be the start of some better golf for me on line..cheers

  • gobbog
    150 Posts
    Wed, Jun 15 2011 8:54 AM

    I was playing a match with 3 other players yesterday and lost power for an hour due to a storm. I'm sure the other 3 were cursing me, but it wasn't my fault, really!

  • mrgreenfingers
    1 Posts
    Wed, Jun 15 2011 9:52 AM

    its usally people protectin there low avg round score u will notice that a person whos got a low avg as soon as they start to play bad then they quit.. it aint hard to tell whos a quitter.. if somebody playin reasonably good quits there is prob a good reason but if its like i said before then it obivious they just a lil kid quitter... you know who u are

  • slotster
    53 Posts
    Wed, Jun 15 2011 2:46 PM

    maybe  the  reason is  you  just  payed  3.00  for  balls and  because    the  system is overloaded and  meter starts  to  stutter or  loading  gets  real slow  you  lose interest in game  and  you  get  penalized  for   there  system  failure  so  why   go  on  and  play

    15 Posts
    Wed, Jun 15 2011 3:08 PM

    money doesnt have anything to do with it WGt cant charge you to play or quit because alot of people play to have fun and spend what they can but they can take points off your avg per round