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LINKS LS 1999-2000

Wed, Jan 15 2020 10:10 AM (93 replies)
  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Jan 10 2018 6:09 AM

    I just looked it up and wont work on Windows 10.

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Wed, Jan 10 2018 8:07 AM

    So I can use it on Windows 10. Cool.

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Wed, Jan 10 2018 8:11 AM


    I played Tiger Woods from 1999-2007 and with the built in course design/builder there were 1000's of great courses.

    I had Tigers 2000 Game and loved the course designer. I used to make the courses I played in Florida on it. I had the Old Jack Nicklaus from about 89, that was good also.

    I have Perfect Parallel also. I'm going to get this disk and try it out


  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Wed, Jan 10 2018 8:21 AM


    Might be able to run it in compatibility mode perhaps?

    I found this article in Windows 10 forum



  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Jan 10 2018 8:56 AM

    I'm going to get this disk and try it out

    Get the version with Sergio Garcia on the cover. And be warned, you have to know golf to be good at it. I mean stuff like stance, swing plane, clubface attitude and ball spin. IMO, Links 2003 did the best job of a computer golf game of replicating what it took to be good. 

    There's also a feature that let's you play with friends. You all need to have the game installed on your computer and know your IP address and you play like here. The chat function lets you send .wav files to the chat and that's where the hysterics begin. Any .wav file you had on your computer you could send  (<x> <<<<like that) and everybody would hear it. I had index cards with hundreds of files taken from movies, golf channels, etc. and invariably had one for any occurrence. 

    My fav sound file I used to use when a guy would get into serious trouble-Marisa Tomei's line from My Cousin Vinnie where she goes "OMG,what a f'n nightmare." You can imagine how funny appropriate it was.  LOL

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Wed, Jan 10 2018 10:09 AM

    I have had games with adjusting the stance, Club head. I have Teamspeak3 also, I hate to type and always getting warnings. lol.

    I had already bought it, Links2003. I'll worry about other ones after.

    Sometimes I get bored and or frustrated and need to play something different. 

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Wed, Jan 10 2018 3:38 PM

    Yeah, It's the one with Sergio

  • Tigerpaw509
    1,285 Posts
    Thu, Jan 11 2018 3:13 PM

    Not a fan of perfect but I think it doesn't like my intel integrated video.Runs Choppy


  • DufferJohn7
    3,584 Posts
    Thu, Jan 11 2018 8:00 PM


    I have had games with adjusting the stance, Club head. I have Teamspeak3 also, I hate to type and always getting warnings. lol.

    I had already bought it, Links2003. I'll worry about other ones after.

    Sometimes I get bored and or frustrated and need to play something different. 

    Don, look up Links Country Club and Links Corner for tons of information and troubleshooting for Win 10. Corner has over 600 courses.

    No where near as good as here but for a 15 year old game it holds up well.

    Have fun,



  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Tue, Jan 16 2018 3:39 PM


    Don, look up Links Country Club and Links Corner for tons of information and troubleshooting for Win 10. Corner has over 600 courses.

    No where near as good as here but for a 15 year old game it holds up well.

    Have fun,


    I will, Thank You. I got the game in today and installed it. I downloaded the patch that Yankee Jim mentioned and it works good.

    I'll check out Links corner and Links Country Club also. It appears I can share this game with another WGT Player also. It's just different and gives me a break, when I'm not playing well after a clash.