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new courses

Mon, Jan 15 2018 6:44 PM (17 replies)
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  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Sun, Jan 14 2018 8:44 AM



  • Wutpa
    4,803 Posts
    Sun, Jan 14 2018 6:26 PM

    i sure hope all the money wgt makes they can fork out some new courses soon, or just make some of the ctth courses full 18 if anybodys like me the old courses sure do get old lol

    The CTTH courses cannot be 'converted' to full 18 hole stroke play courses because they were never photographed extensively enough for that. In order to make them full courses WGT would have to go back and photograph them properly, just the same as they do for a brand new course.

    So, expect that some time round about never.

    But as others have said, you have a lot left to explore on WGT and many, many challenges ahead. 


  • bypass07
    1,360 Posts
    Sun, Jan 14 2018 6:38 PM

    Well well well, first of all you should get rid of Cabo and Whistler "SH1THOLE country" courses. Then think of courses from like Norway or something.

  • CFitzgerald1292
    21 Posts
    Sun, Jan 14 2018 9:24 PM

    cabo and whistler can be played as 18 hole courses.  wgt offered them for one day not long ago

  • zagraniczniak
    1,984 Posts
    Mon, Jan 15 2018 11:05 AM


    i sure hope all the money wgt makes they can fork out some new courses soon, or just make some of the ctth courses full 18 if anybodys like me the old courses sure do get old lol

    You might try Chambers Bay and Bandon - it doesn't seem you've bothered to play those yet.


  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Mon, Jan 15 2018 11:16 AM

    It's the so called most realistic golf game, with 'no competition' so they must be on the forefront of all golf games, they must have lots of profit to keep the cutting edge, forward motion going to bring only the best NEW courses and features...!


    Or maybe I could be wrong.

  • irish3825
    145 Posts
    Mon, Jan 15 2018 6:39 PM

    I would be happy if they had enough servers to take care of the courses they have, It's total bs to have to wait to get on the site ; knowing that when you do, it's going to go down. It's a shame that the people running WGT don't have a clue what there doing or what they have.  All I can hope for is someone will come along w/ a product that's even close but cares about it's customers.

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Mon, Jan 15 2018 6:44 PM


    i sure hope all the money wgt makes they can fork out some new courses soon, or just make some of the ctth courses full 18 if anybodys like me the old courses sure do get old lol


    Simplest thing is to Master the courses we have now. I doubt you have done that yet.

    I know I haven't in 5 years, so I keep pluging


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