Dear Icon, Could you clarify the following. At Congressional hole 6, an approach shot hits the stone edge of the pond and ends up, apparently dry on the replay, on the other side of the water. A penalty is applied. There is no visual showing how the ball is lying or what obstructions might lie in the way. The next shot hits something (what?) and goes in the hazard again. Some questions:
If the ball is being played from where it came to rest, whether in in the hazard or not, why is a penalty being applied?
If it has been dropped, why has it been dropped, given that it appeared to end up dry?
If it has been dropped (at point of entry, but not closer to hole), why isn't it back on the fairway, where it first crossed the hazard boundary?
If the rule is that it is to be dropped after its last point of entry, how can it be deemed to have exited the hazard when it bounces at right angles off the stone edge of the pond?
Finally, if there are answers to these questions, and the ball has been dropped, and dropped correctly, I still think this is a bug that needs attention. At least the circumstances of the ball (lie and obstructions) should be clearly apparent. I've lost two balls, I'm still none the wiser how I should play the shot. I don't feel inclined to spend more money trying to find out, since without visuals it is just guess-work. One penalty for risking the water is enough.
I suggest, once a penalty has been applied, where clear visuals are not available, your programmers should remove the obstructions from such shots or provide a drop zone.
(I didn't save the replay, but I did report the "error" with the ball in its invisible lie and circumstances.)