Wondering exactly how this is possible... Been at this for awhile,,, WGT. has me scoring at a minus 62 average... Has me scratching my head,,, seldom do I see such low numbers when I enter the various tournament formats... Believe that match play be more reflective of such averages...
So I enter various stroke play events,,, and after a few hundred events,,, can't remember hitting those magical low score numbers that reflect my average,,, And in my tier range can't even remember being in the top 100... Yet,,, I run down scores from those events and as I digress down to high score average tiers... I see Hacks,,, Amateurs,,, etc: I see hundreds of scores 10 - 12 strokes better... Now I have a good idea about handicapping events and players,,, odds of occurrences,,, where individuals scoring in such range happening,,, defy logic and astronomical odds... Very Curious...