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Advice on earning credits

Wed, Jan 17 2018 6:57 PM (14 replies)
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  • HisStigness
    9 Posts
    Mon, Jan 15 2018 8:32 PM

    How do you guys earn credits without having to buy them?  Obviously there's practice and start shooting low 50s, but I doubt I have the time to get that good. 

    I've been at Legend tier for a while, scoring avg 66.55, a good round can be in the low 60s.  I understand why the tiers are in place and that there are people who are just insanely good at this game, but I can't help but feel frustrated when I shoot 62 or lower and win 2 credits.  I've been doing surveys to earn enough credits just for the Callaway golf balls I like since the slow meter + spin is a must for me to have any chance, but those are a pain.  Did the Hulu offer because I wanted Hulu anyway, and saved up some credits from surveys to buy decent equipment, but now I want to try and get away from surveys.  I try the bracket and ready-go tourneys every now and then, haven't made anything yet on those, just been trying to think of what tournaments give me the best shot at making a profit.  Any tips or advice is appreciated.    

  • DufferJohn7
    3,581 Posts
    Tue, Jan 16 2018 9:40 AM

    While I'm a PC/web player I have an android tablet.  I installed the mobile app and when I'm partly watching something on tv or otherwise chilling out I play vids for credits.  Without a lot of effort can gain a couple hundred credits at a shot.  There is some frustration as sometimes they hang up and sometimes you notice you're not getting all the credits.  So I put it down then go back later to do it again. I read somewhere we're limited to how many we get at a time but don't know if that's true.

    Anyway it's a relatively painless way to pick up credits.


  • twinponds169
    3,051 Posts
    Tue, Jan 16 2018 12:27 PM

    About the only way, these days, other than surveys, are the mobile videos. 2 credits a pop, you can view 30 of them and get 60 credits in about 12-15 minutes, before they cut you off. You can go back to them and do it again after an hour or so. Seems paltry but they do add up.

    True (X) videos are always dried up in January from the "earn free credits" video page here. I am only getting three 3 credit vids each morning there now. Normally get anywheres from 60 to 90 before it peters out, then go back to it 24 hours later. Peak time to max it is right after 3 AM eastern time, by 7 AM you max out with much less. Again, it's dried up pretty much now, but for the last few years it does kick back up after a month or so.

    I don't have the patience for surveys myself, but the mobile vids are painless and do add up. I sit right around the 20,000 credit range most of the time and I fund tournaments, send gifts, use Nike balls, etc. Good luck with it!

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Tue, Jan 16 2018 12:50 PM

    How do you guys earn credits without having to buy them?  Obviously there's practice and start shooting low 50s, but I doubt I have the time to get that good. 

    You never know....your sand saves / scrambling / driving stats are xllt for the time here.

    I've been doing surveys to earn enough credits just for the Callaway golf balls I like since the slow meter + spin is a must for me to have any chance

    3 more chances ;))  sleeve sent.


  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Tue, Jan 16 2018 12:54 PM

    There`s no easy way or quick way , it all takes time . With the loss of the carousel and Supersonic ads , surveys are the easiest way for the most part . Now under the surveys are other offers . They payout for your email information . You can earn credits just for giving them that .

    So set up a dummy email account and use it just for those offers . You will find them in the Peanut Labs surveys and offers . You can get over 500 credits just for insurance quote and other offers as well . So set up the account and fire away . Also stop buying the vapor trail balls . They serve no purpose and wont help you play better . You get a free vapor trail on the replays . Get the L35+ Cally ball , its the same ball you have without the vapor trail .

  • TopShelf2010
    10,968 Posts
    Tue, Jan 16 2018 1:13 PM


  • JimbeauC
    5,835 Posts
    Tue, Jan 16 2018 1:23 PM

    You can speed up the md video credits on pc. I have both Blue Stacks and Nox on my pc. Running both and switching back and forth greatly reduces the time spent getting the 30 opportunities per session. 

    Got really spoiled during a couple of weeks around the holidays. Most vids were 6 or 15 seconds long. 


  • alosso
    21,087 Posts
    Tue, Jan 16 2018 2:02 PM

    I'm hoping the "mobile" users will chime in with the loss of Zong. From the News page...

    Zong, a mobile payment company, has announced they have shut down their service and is no longer available on WGT.

    Not sure if WGT/TopGolf have any plans for replacement as nothing was mentioned

    The Zong path is still available above, with the same good rates as before. The transaction is processed by Paypal though.

  • TopShelf2010
    10,968 Posts
    Tue, Jan 16 2018 3:21 PM


  • HisStigness
    9 Posts
    Tue, Jan 16 2018 6:33 PM

    Thank you!  That is very kind of you, I'll do my best to put them to good use.  Cheers!

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