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Why is Norton offer the most popular?

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Tue, Jun 21 2011 6:14 AM (20 replies)
  • Gokmev
    5 Posts
    Thu, Jun 16 2011 5:46 PM

    Amongst those credit offers, Norton looks like it is the most popular offer that everybody use to get credit from my page view. I checked the offer and it costs more than 40 quid for 2500 cr? I did not get why it is so popular  even though there are faster and cheaper (even free) antivirus software around.

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Fri, Jun 17 2011 10:21 AM

    I did not get why it is so popular  even thoug there are faster and cheaper (even free) antivirus software around.

    That is the difference between Perrier and tap-water.

    You get what you pay for.

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Fri, Jun 17 2011 12:48 PM

    Perrier is over priced and so is Norton. Norton takes up so much room compared with AVG and works no better.

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Fri, Jun 17 2011 2:06 PM

    going to disagree with you, piz...  AVG caused/allowed a complete meltdown of my OS.

    The only free AV program out there, that's worth a glass of horse piss, is 'avast!' and it's 3rd rate as it is.

    Now I know the old saying, "The plural of anecdote isn't data," but for my experience the free AV programs are all completely worthless in the long run.

    Hell, some even GIVE you rootkit / registry  virus'.

    Again, cumbersome or not, you get what you pay for.


    (Your mileage may vary, offer not available in most states, past performance is not indicative of future results, have a nice day.)

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Fri, Jun 17 2011 9:38 PM

    Try Buxton Water. 

  • trumpy959
    99 Posts
    Sat, Jun 18 2011 1:46 AM

    While it is true you always get what you pay for im the cheapest person on the planet and have used Norton and Avast along with many others. Those two inparticular use FAR too many system resources for me and drastically effect the performance of my machine. I have been using Microsoft Security Essentials as of late and for free software I must say it seems to work very good. Its updated daily from the Microsoft mothership and has been watching over a smoother running PC which so far (knock on wood) hasnt had any problems. Another thing thats nice is its a quick and painless download compared to some of the others.

  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Sat, Jun 18 2011 3:03 AM

    Well Thankyou Snaike and others.

    I tried Perrier AND Buxton water. They both had the same result which was a lot of steam and some electrical fizzing. I realise that they might well have eradicated any virus', or even virii but honestly, whats the point in that when my Dell is now completely jolly well ruined?

    With my next desktop I shall just do what I have always done and shout loudly at it with a cold stare. 


    Lizzie xx

  • 6six6
    194 Posts
    Sat, Jun 18 2011 7:09 AM

    LOL, Avast free rocks used it on 2 computers for a few years, never a problem. and download a TON..

    Norton is bloatware central. But you can get the full version free at stores here after rebates often. Also if you need to remove it good luck.

    Someone doesn't have a clue :)



    going to disagree with you, piz...  AVG caused/allowed a complete meltdown of my OS.

    The only free AV program out there, that's worth a glass of horse piss, is 'avast!' and it's 3rd rate as it is.

    Now I know the old saying, "The plural of anecdote isn't data," but for my experience the free AV programs are all completely worthless in the long run.

    Hell, some even GIVE you rootkit / registry  virus'.

    Again, cumbersome or not, you get what you pay for.


    (Your mileage may vary, offer not available in most states, past performance is not indicative of future results, have a nice day.)

  • VanHalenLover
    1,422 Posts
    Sat, Jun 18 2011 11:59 PM

    going to disagree with you, piz...  AVG caused/allowed a complete meltdown of my OS.

    I've used AVG and Avast (free) for several years Snaike, and have had no problems with either. Will NEVER go back to Norton/Symantec again for AV, pure bloatware.

  • griffygriff
    597 Posts
    Mon, Jun 20 2011 6:39 AM

    I would have to recommend Kaspersky, it is expensive but at $125 for 3 computers for 2 years....its worth every penny and like ya say "you get what you pay for".