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Tiered up to Tour Pro @ Level 50 w/83.5 stroke average?

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Wed, Feb 14 2018 10:20 AM (4 replies)
  • MizunoMayhem
    3 Posts
    Wed, Feb 14 2018 8:24 AM

    I play mainly on mobile. I reached Level 50 yesterday and was promptly tiered up to Tour Pro. I have 23 ranked rounds with a stroke average of 83.5. Having researched tiering up, I was not expecting to move up with my stroke average. It is not a big deal, as the tees are the same, but my concern is the jump to Master. I am considering buying some equipment and  don't want to buy adequate equipment for my level and tier, then 'SURPRISE' I get tiered to Master. Any enlightenment would be appreciated.


  • Brian00925
    1 Posts
    Wed, Feb 14 2018 10:20 AM

    Hey believe you have to have a scoring average of 67 to be moved to Master.  You should be okay with whatever equipment you buy for awhile.  Please keep in mind that you can always sell your equipment to at least get some credits back for it.  I needed to upgrade previously purchased equipment when I moved to Master.  I sold mine and it helped off set the cost of new stuff.  Back to tiers, I'm sure there is a lot more information somewhere on what each tier requires.  Others can chime in.  Have fun!

  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Wed, Feb 14 2018 11:02 AM

    You play mobile, and you must play alot of coin games, and H2H games.  You can be tiered up by wgts whim.  No one seems to know by what criteria they use, but you can be promoted when you least expect it.  No worries though, not sure, but I can't recall anyone going past master without the ranked rounds criteria.  Good luck. 

  • alosso
    21,087 Posts
    Wed, Feb 14 2018 11:20 AM

    On mobile, tiers are probably tied to the levels. Here, I see Level 50 => Tour Pro as the relevant connection.

    The probable limit for this type of promotion may be Tour Master.

  • el3n1
    4,505 Posts
    Wed, Feb 14 2018 12:42 PM

    If you are playing mobile and winning coins in the coin games, one way to defer or delay purchasing clubs until you are ready is to use some of those coins which become worthless other than playing more coin games to rent some of the clubs that are available as coin rentals...For example spend 50,000 coins for a week on the coin rental and when you use those clubs in lieu of your "sponsor apparel boosts" you should be able to remain competitive in your coin games and continue winning enough coin to rent clubs for the time being.  

    by doing this I avoided buying clubs other than the AVG wedges around L39/40.  my first club was L51 fusion 3wd, which you could use as both a driver and 3wd if you wanted to start piecing your bag together. I then opted for the L55 driver because it was a slower meter and more forgiving.  It was a great club and I never regretted the extra credits for it but I got it with the 10% discount to help a little.  then their are the popular L59 irons...

    the other option is to just get the discounted full ping iron set at L59 since it saves you a bit, sell the hybrid club back and add the wedges to your bag...

    again, using the coin rentals will give you time to do videos for credits to save up for the clubs but it takes time...unless you want to put cash into the game. then all options are available...