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WGT thinks my password is incorrect

Mon, Feb 26 2018 6:03 PM (4 replies)
  • Golf1Guru
    10 Posts
    Fri, Feb 23 2018 6:48 PM

    situation: I am logged in and playing golf. Periodically, Inget a popup error telling me that my password is incorrect. If Inselect "cancel" I can continue playing.

    inhave tried logging out then back in - several times - but this continues.



  • WillieSinkit
    1,761 Posts
    Sat, Feb 24 2018 7:10 AM

    Some sort of virus maybe trying to find out your passwords ?


  • Swede56
    128 Posts
    Sat, Feb 24 2018 7:18 AM

    I were thrown out, and unable to log in and play for six days due to an incorrect emailadress.??. Had it for 6 years!!!!

    Got a new password, and now I cant change it to my old one..Strange!!

    Cred to WGT agents, who gave me my  1504 connsecutive days back....

  • garyk49
    2,333 Posts
    Sat, Feb 24 2018 10:41 AM

    Think I have to agree about someone, something trying to steal your password.  Don't do it through that popup.  It's different when logging out and back in on WGT, that is to their servers and your account.  By looking at the date of your account, I am betting this is happening on a mobile account.  There was something recently IIRC about mobile passwords being hacked, and also IIRC it was advised to change your password.

    It's also not strange that you can't reuse an old password.  Never tried it here, but a number of places will NOT let you use an old password.

  • Golf1Guru
    10 Posts
    Mon, Feb 26 2018 6:03 PM

    I never ever log in any other way than via the WGT server login. This pop has only two options: Cancel and Retry.

    "Retry" only produces the popup again and "Cancel" allows you to keep playing.

    You are right - it is a mobile account.