opyeuclid: OPY to ground control over , My readings on the fuel mixture of gummyworms and tinfoil are off by .2315 % . Please ajust to add 1 more gummyworm . OVer and Rodger
Your readings and fuel requests are on like donkey kong. Making many adjustments today as last night I lost the keys to this bad boy somewhere in my basecamp. Opy was no help finding them, he was on a grooming bender and howling thru the night. Trying to keep our heads on straight here and whatnots.
Here is a walk-by of the new spacecraft as we ran practice drills -- All audio transmissions are being run thru a modulator and a USBdongler to avoid translation by any aliens nearby. They may sound just a little bit off, but its still good.
PEOPLE: This is Ryan (Team Yancy Intern) posting for the team here and I wanted to say that its quite clear that these men have gone mad. I have to deal with them daily and its a burden. They sincerely need some help -- big time help. THX -- Ryan