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Pebble Beach

Thu, Jun 23 2011 8:34 AM (1 replies)
    1 Posts
    Thu, Jun 23 2011 6:25 AM

    Why do we no longer have access to Pebble Beach?  It's not available in any game modes.  

    If WGT isn't making it available, why does it even show up?


  • SgtDoodles
    3,112 Posts
    Thu, Jun 23 2011 8:34 AM


    Why do we no longer have access to Pebble Beach?  It's not available in any game modes.  

    If WGT isn't making it available, why does it even show up?

    In the words of WGTicon:

    "Pebble Beach was a limited-time course and we plan to open it up for play again soon."