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Wed, Mar 21 2018 7:17 PM (6 replies)
  • crmamx
    369 Posts
    Mon, Mar 19 2018 1:24 PM

    Just joined and was asked to post an introduction.

    My name is Curtis and I live in Fairhope, Al. I am 83, retired from the computer business and not in the best of health. Golf and fishing were my passions but had to give the up about 6 years ago. I retired at 62 and played golf 3 or 4 times a week and fished the rest of the time. I have played more courses in NC, Fl and Al than I count. I use to shoot in the 70's 30% of the time. I have probably fished every lake in Fl. The only hobby I can participate in now is flying nitro fueled model airplanes.

    TWP46 who is a director here is a real life old time friend. We lived in the mountains of NC. We were discussing golf a couple of weeks ago and he got me interested in joining.

    But already it is extremely frustrating. I am a math major/computer programmer. But this game is so inconsistent I just can't come up with the right algorithms to master it. Maybe in time I can get closer. I just upgraded to the best clubs that are available to me (the top of the line are locked) and of course that helped. And now I hate it that the balls don't last anytime and you have to keep buying new ones.

    So I will keep working on my formulas and if I can get to where TWP46 is I will keep at it. If not, I will quit.

  • Ladychipper
    23,231 Posts
    Tue, Mar 20 2018 8:40 AM

    Hi Curtis,

    Welcome to WGT/Top Golf! 

    It takes time to master this game for sure so stick with it and read posts on how to do things in here.  I don't think there is any magic formula for playing just practice and read.

    Nice bike by the way!

    Best Wishes,

    Marion :-)

  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Tue, Mar 20 2018 9:12 AM

    Things to do:

    1)find out what does full back spin (FBS) do to your iron yardages. this will change as your balls and irons change.

    2) map out iron and wedge distances. every time you change a ball type or buy new clubs.

    3) dump hybrid and get 3 wedges.

    4) learn flops/pitches/punches. Learn how much spin do you need on each shot. Flops and pitches are fairly linear. Punches are not.

    5) Wind does not affect all clubs the same.  learn how many yards to add or subtract based on the wind and the direction and the approach club  being used.

    6) Elevation effects. Fairly linear but large variations require "adjustments" to the math.

    7) putting speed on green. Distance is easy and mathematically can zero it.  reading breaks is practice. 

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Mar 20 2018 9:51 AM

    But this game is so inconsistent I just can't come up with the right algorithms to master it.

    Forget the algorithms, play this like you would IRL. This thread will give you an idea of what you're up against and why those algos won't be consistent. Learn the carry of your clubs, learn how to putt and think like you would IRL. You'll do way better than that 30%.  ;-)

  • SidersBest
    873 Posts
    Tue, Mar 20 2018 3:46 PM


    Why try to build a new 'mouse traps' when you can use the ones that are already built. 

    TWP46 has been at this for at least 4 years and learned some things along the way. 

    Leaders are readers and the 'SEARCH' box on the right is a good place to start , watch YouTube videos . There's a lot of resources at your disposal.

    Good Luck

    Siders Best


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Mar 20 2018 4:26 PM

    Leaders are readers

    Short and sweet. Well said.  :-)

  • Rick6208
    2,287 Posts
    Wed, Mar 21 2018 7:17 PM

    Curtis! Come join the Toronto Leaf Fans! We have lots of info in our CLUB FORUM to help you improve your game! My name is Rick6208, the owner of the Club, it’s not necessary to be a Hockey fan or even a Toronto Leaf Fan, some of our Members Have only seen ice in their drinks lol but they love this game and don’t mind sharing their knowledge!

    Come join the Toronto Leaf Fans!