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Returning WGTer saying hi

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Mon, Jun 27 2011 7:06 PM (12 replies)
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  • TheBu11d0g
    52 Posts
    Sat, Jun 25 2011 10:02 AM

    I played WGT last year but never really gave it any serious time but i recently returned to give it a serious go this time around and concentrate on improving my game as much as possible.

    I've been playing Tiger Woods PGA Tour for the past couple of years or so but to be honest im enjoying WGT a whole lot more than TW now. There is alot to learn but it seems more rewarding and much more life like.

    I'm currently a 128.6 Hack on Level 12 using the WGT Starter Set with the WGT G13-s Balls.

    Any help/advice would be greatfully received .


  • TonyTurbo78
    340 Posts
    Sat, Jun 25 2011 12:41 PM

    as you well know Steve, I'm with you mate.  Finally gave Tiger Woods on the XBOX 360 the push this year after the arcade 10 year old golf experience it's become even on the hardest difficulty.  Since I've started here on Monday just gone, I've gotten myself up to level 32 pro just by playing every tournament I can and lots of ranked games.  But the best way I've found is to play Alt Shot game as you get a fair amount of XP.  Also, looks like you've done it now, but keep playing the better ball.  The one you have is so much better than the free balls.  Keep and eye out for the Dove balls also Steve as they are apparently free, although I've not seen one yet appear for me personally.  


    I'm still on the starter clubs but able to ding maybe 75% of my shots now with the slow meter.  I'm waiting for level 40ish before I purchase any equipment, which I now need due to playing from longer tees on the pro level.  


    Regarding club distances, just get used to how far they roll out especially when pitching and chipping as you can save a ton of shots with good short game.  Wind doesn't play nowhere near as much as Tiger Woods on the 360 steve so don't be fooled like I was for a while.  Also, a little thing I do with the putting....I have some pieces of card cut to different lengths for the respective distances a putt goes on a particular green.  Not every single foot, but like 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and so on.  I use it to give myself a quick point of reference on the meter to avoid nasty 3 putts.  


    Lets get a game in soon mate.  

    150 Posts
    Sat, Jun 25 2011 1:20 PM

    Almost everything you want, need ,cant figure out and could care less about is in the columns to the right  >>>>>>>>>>>


    Spend just a few minutes a day with one question in mind and you just may learn a few tricks, gain a little knowledge or figure out what the heck happened on that last shot.


    Don't worry about others  there seemingly impossible scores or shots. Don't go out and think wow if I had that equipment i could be a superstar.

    Learn the basics of everything in your bag, keep notes figure out how to shorten the courses up by placing your ball to one side or the other on the fairway and you will get there.

    Just remember your just not that good   "YET"   and it will come.


  • thewonderstuff
    1,436 Posts
    Sat, Jun 25 2011 1:47 PM

    i learnt a lot by playing and watching players on higher tiers than me which helped me raise my game! although this is easier said than done because not everyone is happy playing with so called "lesser players" which is a shame coz some of the best games i`ve played have been with players on a lower tier than me.....its not always about the scoring as long as you enjoy the game.   tws

  • TheBu11d0g
    52 Posts
    Sat, Jun 25 2011 2:56 PM

    Thanks for the replies guys, some great tips there.

    Tony, i would love to chat some more with ya about the guide's you have as they seem an interesting idea to investigate some more.

    After reading the putting tips earlier today it has already improved my putting around the greens as Tony can bear witness to lol.

    Next on my list will be the chipping and putting tips.

  • TonyTurbo78
    340 Posts
    Sat, Jun 25 2011 4:52 PM

    always gotta remember the roll out on chips and pitches with the beginner clubs Steve.  Look at the green contours and play them.   

  • Kurtsbuford
    7,592 Posts
    Sat, Jun 25 2011 7:47 PM

    you should just call it off buddy, quit while you are behind.

  • claremoreblue
    2,322 Posts
    Sat, Jun 25 2011 11:15 PM

    i learnt a lot by playing and watching players on higher tiers than me which helped me raise my game! although this is easier said than done because not everyone is happy playing with so called "lesser players" which is a shame coz some of the best games i`ve played have been with players on a lower tier than me.....its not always about the scoring as long as you enjoy the game.   tws


    Take a look at a wall post on my profile page and see why we don't play with lower tiers players. People like this guy is a total dick head and doesn't deserve to play with anyone one LOL. I don't think he will be here long :)


    Since he posted on my wall it shouldn't be a TOS violation to post here. So here ya go LOL


    24 Jun 2011 at 6:47 PM
    "Why did you want to see my penis?"

    Does your wife know you want to see little boys penis?

    This is from a gentleman I beat in a MP game a few days ago.

  • TheBu11d0g
    52 Posts
    Sat, Jun 25 2011 11:28 PM

    claremoreblue, i hear where you are coming from mate when you get idiots making posts like that but not all the beginners are like him. The majority of us are grateful to any help/advice that we can get :-)

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Sat, Jun 25 2011 11:34 PM

    I'll play anybody. If you want some tips and help just look me up. I don't promise not to make mistakes though.

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