lonniescott711: You guys need to work it out through other means than the forum . Or better yet , why not just leave each other alone . With nothing to say to one another , means that you have nothing to say to each other . Thus the end of all arguments and peace between the 2 . :-)
Doesn't work. It's now elevated to me receiving harassing phone calls to my place of business. The clown spoofed his number but what he didn't realize is that he repeated-verbatim-something he posted on my wall a while ago. The keyboard warrior has become the spoofed harasser.
Say what you will but I'll not sit back and turn the other cheek. When I'm attacked, I'll defend.
And please, by all means, educate my ignorant self about how this thread descended into the garbage. Go back and see how the decent conversation was wrecked because somebody had to come here and disparage the game and I had the gall to try and keep it on track. All that got me was a few choice names.
I await your response.