I use a version of FMags formula (I add more than +1 because I putt more aggressively): 9= 1.1, 10= 1.2, 11= 1.3, 12= 1.45, 13= 1.6, 14= 1.7, 15= 1.8 +/- elevation +1.
Fmag Quote: "And you MUST always add the +1 to any elevation reading because WGT measures every putt down from the centre of the ball to the green surface. Without this +1 you will have to make adjustments between long and short putts and all your green speed factors would generally be too slow."
I also add +15-20% for severe downhillers when using this
formula. In addition I round up any putt to the next numeral, i.e, if
the put is over 10F I round up to 11F. Likewise, if the putt is at
exactly 10F or even slightly under, say, 9.8, I'll round up to 10.5F.
When I don't do this I come up short, even after adding the +1 in the
1st explanation. I'm not sure what he uses for 20 and 40 stimp. What I use is 20= 2, 40= 4 +/- elevation +1.