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Whats the Multiplier for Ultra Fast greens

Tue, Apr 3 2018 10:52 AM (5 replies)
  • Bluesteelie
    2,021 Posts
    Tue, Apr 3 2018 7:37 AM

    We have a tournament in our CC going on with Ultra Fast Greens. I would like for it to be fair for everyone if we had something to figure these green speeds. Stimp is 40. This is for the Majors coming up, guess thats why it was set up that way.

  • NALO1210
    186 Posts
    Tue, Apr 3 2018 10:52 AM


  • DufferJohn7
    3,581 Posts
    Tue, Apr 3 2018 7:15 PM

    Using Fast 9 as a base of 1.00 I would make a first guess of 0.23 for Stimp 40.

    But I haven't given it a try. Talk about "tap and pray" putting!!!

    Good luck and have fun,


  • Bluesteelie
    2,021 Posts
    Wed, Apr 4 2018 2:55 AM

    The only thing i have found so far is .5 plus elevation for Ultra Fast 40 stimp. For level to uphill. maybe downhill should be .4 depending on how steep. Anything else you guys may know please inform me it this post or message me, Thanks a ton to anyone that posts. Peace

    Chaz      Thanks John i will test out your numbers

  • 11BC2
    555 Posts
    Wed, Apr 4 2018 3:59 AM

    I use a version of FMags formula (I add more than +1 because I putt more aggressively):  9= 1.1, 10= 1.2,  11= 1.3,  12= 1.45, 13= 1.6, 14= 1.7, 15= 1.8  +/- elevation +1.  

    Fmag Quote:  "And you MUST always add the +1 to any elevation reading because WGT measures every putt down from the centre of the ball to the green surface.  Without this +1 you will have to make adjustments between long and short putts and all your green speed factors would generally be too slow."

    I also add +15-20% for severe downhillers when using this formula.  In addition I round up any putt to the next numeral, i.e, if the put is over 10F I round up to 11F.  Likewise, if the putt is at exactly 10F or even slightly under, say, 9.8, I'll round up to 10.5F. When I don't do this I come up short, even after adding the +1 in the 1st explanation.  I'm not sure what he uses for 20 and 40 stimp.  What I use is 20= 2,  40= 4 +/- elevation +1.

  • Bluesteelie
    2,021 Posts
    Wed, Apr 4 2018 6:16 AM

    Thanks for your post Sir, I will try your numbers also. Not to many players like this green speed including me. The masters will be somewhere around 15 stimp i read. Thanks & Peace
