slimjym: Regarding my ball question, I was only looking for what might be a good ball to use for each of my metered sets (i.e. my slower & faster metered sets). So that there's no confusion, I'm not looking for a single ball that I can use with both sets, but rather a good ball to use for EACH of my sets.
While others may differ, which is fine, I'm a "one ball" person. I simply think that you should find one ball that works well and stick with that. So, I think identifying different balls for different sets of equipment is simply not a good idea.
If there are any benefits, which I doubt, they'll be marginal (at best). And they'll be outweighed by the fact that, at some point, you'll end up wasting shots on a ball because you started a game and forgot to switch balls for the equipment currently in your bag. No matter how careful a person is, that's almost guaranteed to happen.
Again, others may take a different approach. But to me, it seems like too much of a hassle with not that much in return, if anything at all. YMMV