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I think I have had it with this game

Thu, Apr 19 2018 10:23 PM (7 replies)
  • darrenpaulLMB
    180 Posts
    Wed, Apr 18 2018 1:57 PM

    I hadn't played for a while and to be honest I am starting to wish I hadn't started again. for a start I still can't fix the issue of my clubs not hitting as far as they should/used to do. apart from my wedges that is. it has been suggested that this is because I am only using the free starter balls, but ever since I started using them I have only ever lost a yard or two with certain clubs, sometimes loosing no distance at all. for example, my driver is supposed to hit 280 carry, which it used to and more with no problems, now my carry distance is as low as 245 with the extra distance being made up with a lot of roll if I'm lucky. this is why my average driving distance doesn't seem to indicate a problem but I can assure anyone who is interested that there is.

    The other issue I have developed, which I did notice a bit the last time I played but not as much as now, backspin whether you apply it or not doesn't or does work when it wants to. you apply backspin to an approach shot, which I know all too well reduces distance, by how much depends on how the game is feeling that day. the ball comes up short landing just on or off the green and stops dead with no roll. or the other scenario is that you hit a shot with backspin which lands within a foot or two of the pin, only to bounce way off the green. is the grass on the edge of the green slower than the grass near the pin? otherwise applying backspin should cause the ball to do the same thing no matter where it lands on the green. it just seems that when you need a bit of extra roll the ball stops dead, and when you want the ball to stop dead it keeps going. I even hit a shot on a round the other day with my 56 wedge, I applied no backspin (green dot dead center of the ball) and got 8 yards of backspin after landing the ball on a perfectly flat green, or as flat as could be expected.

    Another strange one is the fact that the wind now seems to do whatever the hell it likes. you try to aim left or right to allow for the wind, something I was pretty good but not great at in the past, and the ball misses left or right by quite a big margin. in some cases I don't think I could have missed by so much if I had left the aim point where it was and dinged the meter. I could have a 20mph headwind on countless holes, and each time the same strength headwind causes you to loose different amounts of carry/roll distance, the same applies to distance gained by a tailwind, also depending on what club you use. I hit a 325 yard drive on st andrews just now thanks to a 22mph tailwind, 80 yards further than normal since my clubs started playing up. but the same 22mph only added 4 yards to my 60 yard 64 degree wedge leaving me short of the green. if a 22mph tailwind adds 80 yards to a driver, you would expect an increase in carry/roll distance with every other club in the bag.

    The wind on st andrews in the round I have just played is yet another annoyance. I had a 20mph ish crosswind on every hole apart from two where I had a headwind. have a look at a course map for st andrews, that isn't possible. I have played st andrews for real and the wind doesn't hit you from the same direction on every hole. in the round I just played, I had a 21mph left to right crosswind on the first hole, you would think that would give you a similar strength tailwind for holes 2 3 4 5 6 7 and 10, but you don't in this game, or I didn't at least.

    I just about made it to 10 consecutive days played yesterday which would have given me 1055 xp points I think. it could be more or less but I definitely noticed it was over 1000. usually your consecutive days played bonus is displayed in the end game screen, so many points for the game you just played, so many points for your hit the ball experience and your consecutive days played bonus. I have seen this message countless times both yesterday, the day before and today. yesterday was the only time I haven't seen the consecutive days play bonus come up at the end of the game, even though the main menu screen showed I hadn't played on the 10th day (indicated by red exclamation mark) followed by a green tick after playing a round yesterday. for 9 days before and one day after I have had my consecutive days play bonus displayed at the end of the first round played that day while the rest of my xp points are being calculated, but not on the 10th day when there was over 1000xp points at stake.

    Having so many problems with one simple game is ridiculous. I would have less problems and issues out on a real course. there are many issues with this game that have been raised many times over the years I have been playing, and have probably been raised for many years before I started playing, and will probably continue to be raised for many years to come. some have been fixed some haven't, some have raised their ugly heads again and some haven't. I can't name them off the top of my head but I know from reading the forums there have been a lot.

    I enjoy playing this game but not as much as I did when I first started playing, or not as much as I did the last time I played. I'm doing everything the same as I did then and still my scores have dropped through the floor. if this is just the game makers way of trying to get me to upgrade my clubs and balls then forget it, when the game starts playing like it should and like it used to before I took a break then I may be tempted to upgrade, but as it stands I am not wasting money buying things for a game that don't do what they should/used to.

  • Williams01210021
    1,231 Posts
    Wed, Apr 18 2018 2:01 PM

    it defiantly has its days thats for sure. I would suggest join a club mate and get tips and advice. I have sent you a invite if you want to join ours. We have plenty of helpful advice on our forums like club guides, course guides and and charts for clubs etc.

  • darrenpaulLMB
    180 Posts
    Wed, Apr 18 2018 3:01 PM

    Thanks for the invite, but I think it's best to wait to see if things get any better. the issues I am experiencing aren't anything new, after a while things have gone back to normal, sometimes for good sometimes not as I am once again finding out. I don't think it would be fair of me to take up a country club spot when it could be filled by someone who is playing well/has everything going right for them now. for a while it's possible to play around the faults, other times it seems impossible, but hopefully such faults will soon sort themselves out or be sorted by the powers that be. when you have clubs that are hitting on average 25 yards less carry than they used to, so you go to the next club up to make sure you reach the green, only to see the ball fly 25 yards past the flag is very frustrating. on this occasion this has only happened a handful of times, usually on average every club has lost at least 25 yards carry distance, except my driver which sometimes looses up to 40 yards carry. this means that long par 4's are no longer reachable in 2 without the help of a strong tailwind, the same goes for par 5's too. I think even with a headwind there were only a few par 5's that I couldn't reach in two. now I can just about reach some of the long par 4's in three and with some of the long par 5's I'm just about getting there in 4, sometimes 5.

  • Steve915
    68 Posts
    Thu, Apr 19 2018 12:32 AM

    I too, play the basic ball (I got tired of WGT taking good balls "out of play."


    I have to agree with a lot of your points. How can I hit a ball from the middle of the fairway sometimes and it's supposed to go 170 and it only goes 140?

    Or hit a flop shot out of a sand trap (10-15%) for 15 yards and it goes 2 yards? Then hit the next shot 20 yards and it goes 20?


    It seems like this game has a mind of its own.

  • darrenpaulLMB
    180 Posts
    Thu, Apr 19 2018 9:10 AM

    I have also had the problem that one shot with one club goes the distance it's supposed to and the next shot it doesn't, or the other way round. which is far more frustrating than adding an extra club because you know each club is going to hit a minimum of 25 yards less. it was that problem and a few others that led to me stopping playing last time. when I started playing again everything was fine, then the problem I have now decided to raise it's ugly head.

    I don't mind what the game decides to do, I just wish it would pick something and stick to it. if I suddenly started hitting between 25 and 40 yards less with any of my real golf clubs, that would indicate a significant problem that needs fixing asap, not as the case may be in this game which is rather unfortunate to say the least.

  • darrenpaulLMB
    180 Posts
    Thu, Apr 19 2018 9:38 AM

    The distance thing is another issue. for example I have just played the 294 yard par 4 9th hole at st andrews. a 270 yard drive left me with a 16 yard chip to the pin. really? I should have been 24 yards from the pin not 16.

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Thu, Apr 19 2018 11:03 AM


    The distance thing is another issue. for example I have just played the 294 yard par 4 9th hole at st andrews. a 270 yard drive left me with a 16 yard chip to the pin. really? I should have been 24 yards from the pin not 16.

    I`ve been reading your posts here in this thread and trying to figure out whats going wrong . Now I admit that there are some holes that play either long or short . For example the par5`s on Kiawah . The approach shots will sometimes play long and other times play short . I have it happen to me all the time and usually play a lay up shot for my second shot .

    The same goes for #5 St. Andys par 5 it also will play long and other times short . So taking all of that into consideration leads me to conclude 1 of 2 things .

    #1 When playing are you trusting the wind indicator ? The wind indicator is not always accurate . Since we cant feel the wind we have to assume the indicator is true , but it`s not . So you have to figure how to adjust for that .

    #2 Using the caddy option . One of the top rules of the game is very simple . Never trust the caddy . Turn it off and select your own clubs .The caddy is only making a club suggestion but the final club choice is entirely up to you .

    Also you have to take into consideration your course management skills . Depending on your ball placement will also determine your shot results as well . The game isnt going to always play the way you want it to . The real game doesnt do it so why do you expect this one too ?

    Yes it has its ups and downs and can be quite frustrating at times . But just like the real game , its the most aggravating game , that you will ever enjoy playing .  


  • alosso
    21,087 Posts
    Thu, Apr 19 2018 10:23 PM

    I have just played the 294 yard par 4 9th hole at st andrews. a 270 yard drive left me with a 16 yard chip to the pin. really? I should have been 24 yards from the pin not 16.
    At STA and other elder courses (at least KIA, BPB, (OAK)), the distance indicated when "teeing up" is the scorecard length which is true only for one pin. For the other pin, it's not accurate. (Accurately adapted, though, on the Par3s)

    You see the actual distance when hovering over the blue dot on the mini map, or after whiffing (e.g. putting) your first shot.

    The systematic of the scorecard length indication changed twice AFAIR for the newer courses.

    Note aside: Usually, the "hardest" tees are taken from one setting of a (US) Open event on the course.