Thats a very good question . It has been asked before and we got a half a$$ed explanation by WGT about it . Some where down the line WGT set out to prove that they could mess up the game without doing any updates . To prove their point they some how managed to blow the addition of Shinnecock to the game . To make up for their blunder they had another brain fart . To take holes from the existing courses and make a course for this years Open .
Thats right we got a best of course set up , to make up the screw up that management caused . Its a touchy subject that truly shows just how stupid the management has become .They dont have the guts to come into the forums and truly explain the real reason for their stupidity . So they came up with some garbage about celebrating the last 10 years of having the US Open represented here in the game . So in doing so we were getting this bogus best of set up to celebrate this memorial event .
If you look in the Active threads section you may find their explanation . Also you will find their explanation as to why we will not be getting any new courses for a couple of years also . Thats right they screwed the pooch for a few years to come . They truly proved that they could mess up the game with out doing any updates . I wonder just how proud they are of being so stupid .