Was going to answer this before OP with Jays 1st paragraoh....
no friggin tools maxthon ( why do they come & go with no change on my end?? )
jayw4862: but I really, really hope WGT changes to steam platform. VAC (I think that's what it's called) is much better at catching cheat software and it automatically bans the player(s) and there is no CS to beg, or ask why, or explain. Get banned...it's for good.
with ya so far man..
jayw4862: I'm sure there are some geek-techies out there that can still manipulate things
So the ppl ( no Tasors mentioned )
^^...no TCs say can't mention banned mothers !
That 49, heavy wind on CB, still makes me smile...;)))
...will still carry on regardless, just the pitiful. lightweight Legend non tech heads get caught ?
jayw4862: another good thing about the steam platform is the ability to just click on any player (friend or not) and watch them play. As it is, the player has to have that option enabled, but if WGT went to steam, they could make it permanently enabled and anyone could watch anyone else
Woooooah...slow down there horsey,
Ppl can see me play ? Like screen share ?
That's REALLY gonna hamper my 'Hairy Japanese p.issing porn vids, inbetween shots !!!
Not a fan of this 'Steam' thing from the get go....
All I wanna see steaming is p.iss off the snow !!!!